Diet Doc's Medical Weight Loss Programs Introduces the Best Diet Pills to Reset the Metabolism and Avoid Loss of Energy, Between Meal Hunger and Food Cravings While Dieting

Diet Doc Has Incorporated the Best Diet Pills Into Their Medical Weight Loss Programs That Help Patients Comfortably Melt Excess Fat Without Loss of Energy, Between Meal Hunger or Food Cravings

HOUSTON, July 25, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- When Diet Doc began developing their comprehensive medical diet plans, they realized that controlling their client's appetite while following their lower calorie diet plans would be difficult and that providing clients with the ability to regulate their hunger and control cravings for unhealthy foods is an important step to successfully shedding excess stored fat.

With this in mind, Diet Doc developed the nation's best diet pills to actively suppress hunger and cravings, helping dieters to follow their diet plans without experiencing between meal hunger or food cravings. And, to accelerate weight loss and increase the speed in which clients see fat melting away, Diet Doc's prescription supplements also focus on resetting the metabolism for even faster weight loss results.

Diet Doc's newly developed 7-Keto DHEA supplements are easily the best diet pills available on today's market for increasing metabolism and controlling the appetite. By boosting the T3 thyroid hormone, the metabolism is increased and fat loss results are accelerated. These diet pills also reduce cortisol levels, also known as the fight or flight hormone, which is often elevated in those with high stress levels. By coupling the best diet pills with Diet Doc's patient specific, nutritionist-designed diet plans, patients are quickly able to see fat melting from their body and quickly begin looking and feeling better than ever before. 

Diet Doc's Slim Down supplements may also be included in the patient's prescription hormone diet plan. Slim Down contains herbal extracts that block the absorption of sugar and directly suppress the appetite. Each capsule contains 5,000 mcg of energy boosting vitamin B12, which doctors typically recommend for patients on prescription hormone diet programs. Equivalent to approximately two cups of morning coffee, Slim Down supplements combat fatigue, but do not contain strong stimulants like ephedra or phentramine.

Because Diet Doc respects each patient's privacy and understands that many patients may not have the time or the additional money to travel to and from doctor's offices or weight loss clinics, their patients can easily order their diet products, including the best diet pills, over the phone or the internet. Diet products and the best diet pills will be shipped directly to each patient's home or office for immediate use. Consultations and weekly progress calls can take place in the privacy of the patient's home via the telephone or the internet. 

Diet Doc's unique approach to fast weight loss not only helps patients reach their initial goals without suffering adverse dieting side effects, it also provides patients with the skills they need to continue following a low fat diet and sustain their weight once their program is complete.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support.  For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

Facebook: DietDocMedicalWeightLoss

