Diet Doc Medical Weight Loss Programs Announces Specialized Sugar Cravers Diet Plans Aimed at Helping Americans Lose Weight Fast and Overcome Their Sugar Addiction

Diet Doc's Sugar Cravers Diet Plans Help Patients Lose Weight Fast and Overcome Their Sugar Addiction by Teaching Them to Choose Satisfying, Healthy Foods for Restored Health and a Slimmer Silhouette

ANNAPOLIS, Md., July 28, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- People nationwide have struggled with weight loss, trying time after time to lose embarrassing and unhealthy excess fat, usually ending up feeling doomed to failure – all because of their love for sugary snacks. With this in mind, Diet Doc developed new diet plans that target specific situations. Their new Sugar Cravers diet has helped thousands lose weight fast, even those who have found it nearly impossible to stave off urges to reach for their beloved sugary snacks.

Patients who want to break their sugar addiction will work closely with Diet Doc's certified nutritionists, who will teach them how to choose satisfying, healthy foods instead of high calorie, sugary snacks. Patients will speak directly to a fast weight loss professional, complete a health questionnaire and schedule a one-on-one online consult with one of Diet Doc's highly trained physicians. During this initial consult, the doctor will review the entire system to uncover any metabolic or lifestyle changes or hormonal imbalances that may be causing weight gain or preventing weight loss.

Also during the consult, the physician will make recommendations, including exclusive prescription hormone treatments and fat accelerating diet pills, which work flawlessly with the Sugar Cravers Diet. If the doctor determines that the patient does, in fact, have an addiction to sugary foods, they may include natural, prescription saffron extract, the first treatment known to effectively lift the spirits and revive the mood while learning to break a sugar addiction.

The new Sugar Cravers Diet replaces high carbohydrate, sugary foods with healthy and delicious meal plans, prescription hormone treatments and supplements that suppress the appetite and reduce and even eliminate sugar addictions and cravings. Patients that follow Diet Doc's Sugar Cravers Diet not only lose weight fast, but learn how to contain their sugar addition with lower calorie foods that are appealing, yet low in carbohydrates and sugar.

By utilizing diet treatments that contain natural, prescription strength hormones, complemented with delicious weight loss shakes and supplements that suppress and control sugar cravings, while also naturally mobilizing stored body fat and quickly flushing it from the system, patients are able to safely and rapidly lose weight fast. Sugar Cravers diet patients report feeling comfortable and satisfied after meals with no uncontrollable urges for sugary snacks and no feelings of sluggishness or other unpleasant side effects.

Call the nation's leader in fast weight loss today to schedule a free and confidential consultation and to learn how to control and even break sugar addictions for restored health and a slimmer waistline with Diet Doc's new Sugar Cravers Diet.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

Facebook: DietDocMedicalWeightLoss

