Diet Doc's Medical Weight Loss Programs Announces the Best Fat Burner Diets That Attack Hidden Fat, Helping Patients Nationwide Reach Their Ideal Body Weight

Diet Doc Has Helped People Nationwide Reach Their Ideal Body Weight by Creating the Best Fat Burner Diets That Target and Attack Difficult to Lose Fat

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Many people believe that simply cutting down on foods will melt excess fat from their body. While this may generate the loss of a few pounds, the problem of old, stored fat is still present. This fat is nestled comfortably around the inner organs and is the most dangerous and difficult fat to lose. Diet Doc has benefited from decades of scientific research, combined with modern medical understanding to create the best fat burner diet plans that target and attack the difficult to lose fat, helping people nationwide reach their ideal body weight.

The body is constantly burning calories. Walking, household chores, gardening, sleeping and even breathing requires energy. The body relies on foods to provide that energy. Many people begin a diet with the best intentions, but quickly become discouraged and disappointed because they become bored with the limited selection of food choices and do not know which foods to choose to keep pounds melting from the body, while also leaving them full and satisfied without loss of energy. Diet Doc removes the mystery and provides each patient with a clear-cut solution that includes a wide range of healthy food choices that will keep their body nourished and sustain their energy levels during dieting, personal attention and guidance throughout and the best fat burner supplements for safe and successful weight loss.

Diet Doc's experts spend time with each new patient to become familiar with their body type, size, shape, metabolic rate and lifestyle. New patients will complete a health questionnaire and schedule an online consultation with a Diet Doc physician. During the consult, the doctor will review medical history, past weight loss attempts, and assess the entire system to uncover the reason for weight gain and unsuccessful weight loss. The doctor will make recommendations that may include prescription hormone treatments and Diet Doc's exclusive best fat burner supplements that will generate the safest and fastest way for patients to reach their ideal body weight without suffering the typical dieting side effects of between meal hunger, fatigue and sluggishness.

Next, patients will work closely with certified nutritionists to develop diet plans that work perfectly with hormone treatments and the best fat burner supplements that are interesting and easy to follow. The nutritionists consider the patient's food preferences and create diet plans that incorporate foods that are rich in essential nutrients while low in calories and fats.

Diet Doc's best fat burner diet plans are divided into four, easy to follow phases. Patients will notice their body burning fat from the hard to reach areas almost immediately. Depending on weight loss goals, most patients reach their ideal body weight and begin looking and feeling better than ever before within months.

Diet Doc provides unlimited access to their doctors, nurses, nutritionists and coaches for questions, suggestions, support, guidance and encouragement. Weekly checkup calls are scheduled to assess each patient's comfort level, attitude and weight loss progress. This personal, one-on-one service enables the doctors to quickly identify obstacles that may hinder weight loss and to make medication adjustments to reset the metabolism and return the body to fast burn mode.

Diet Doc has helped people nationwide reach their ideal body weight by delivering the best fat burning diet plans and supplements available on today's market. Call today to schedule a free consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss.

