Diet Doc Announces Interesting, Easy to Follow Diet Plans That Deliver Fast Weight Loss and Teach Patients the Difference Between Good and Bad Fat

Diet Doc's Medical Diet Plans Generate Fast Weight Loss While Teaching Patients the Difference Between Good and Bad Fat for Long Term Health and Weight Management

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 22, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fat is fat, right? Not necessarily. There is a difference between good and bad fat. Brown fat is usually stored in the upper chest and at the back of the neck, while white fat typically reveals itself in overflowing bellies, muffin tops, love handles and thunder thighs.

While good fats occur naturally in many foods and promote better health, trans fats and saturated fats are linked to negative health risks, including elevated bad cholesterol levels and lower good cholesterol levels, increasing the risk for heart attack and stroke. And because U.S. regulations allow food manufacturers to report 0 grams in foods that contain less than 0.5 grams of trans and saturated fats, most consumers are unaware that they are endangering their health by purchasing these foods. 

Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, or good fats, are reported to have a positive impact on one's health, but because science has not revealed the secret to manufacturing healthy, brown fat in the human body, there seems to be only one sensible solution – get rid of unhealthy, excess white fat and learn to distinguish the difference between good and bad fat.

Because Diet Doc recognizes that most people do not have the time to scan all food labels or a nutritional background, they have developed diet plans that are interesting and easy to follow, incorporate nutrient rich foods that nourish the body while being lower in calories and eliminating bad fats. Diet Doc patients report looking and feeling better than ever before by losing excess fat and learning to make healthier food choices by distinguishing the difference between good and bad fat. 

New Diet Doc patients will complete a health questionnaire and schedule an online consult with one of Diet Doc's highly trained fast weight loss doctors. During the consult, the doctor will assess the entire system to uncover the real reason for weight gain. Diet plans will be tailor made that are compatible with each patient's age, gender, medical conditions, nutritional needs and fast weight loss goals. These diet plans may be enhanced with Diet Doc's hormone treatments and exclusive diet pills and supplements to allow patients to see fat melt more quickly from the body. This powerful blend signals the body to seek out bad fat, forcing its release into the bloodstream to be quickly flushed from the body.  

Diet Doc distinguishes itself from the competition by providing patients customized diet plans that focus on each patient's individual needs. Weekly checkup calls monitor comfort level, attitude and weight loss progress and enables the doctors to recognize weight loss plateaus and to reset the metabolism with medication and diet plan modifications. This level of personal service cannot be duplicated by the competition and has made Diet Doc the nation's leader in safe and fast weight loss programs. 

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

