Diet Doc Announces Their New Anti-Aging Therapy That Has Helped Thousands Find Their Personal Fountain of Youth

Finally, There Is a Product That Reverses the Signs and Symptoms of Aging. Diet Doc's New Sermorelin Anti-Aging Human Growth Hormone Is Helping Thousands Find Their Own Personal Fountain of Youth

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 23, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clinical studies suggest that Sustained Elevation of Pulsatile Growth Hormone (GH) Secretion and Insulin-Like Growth Factor I concentrations also significantly decline in healthy individuals thus, triggering the aging process.

Although the body naturally produces human growth hormone, its production drastically decreases during the aging process. This decline results in the body revealing signs of wear and tear with more noticeable wrinkles, sagging skin, weakened muscles and loss of stamina. Decades of scientific research has finally enabled Diet Doc to offer each patient their own personal fountain of youth that will restore skin to a more youthful appearance, improve memory, improve energy levels and increase libido.

Patients who have added Sermorelin human growth hormone anti-aging therapy to their daily regimen are reporting that they have found their fountain of youth and are looking and feeling decades younger within days of beginning this powerful anti-aging therapy. And, aside from the physical improvements, a published study of the benefits also include:

  • 15% average decrease in fat;
  • 8% average increase in muscle and lean body structure;
  • Increased bone density, reversal of osteoporosis;
  • Swifter healing of any type of injury, fracture, or wound;
  • Improved immune system with more resistance to infection;
  • Enhanced brain function;
  • Improvement in overall physical and mental wellbeing;
  • Improved exercise tolerance;
  • Improved mineral balance;
  • Improved heart and kidney function.

Is it possible to reverse the signs and symptoms of aging? Diet Doc patients say "yes, it is". Diet Doc is the only telemedicine healthcare organization offering human growth hormone nationwide with a comprehensive, doctor supervised program to help reverse the aging process. Available in oral tablets, as well as convenient and painless injectable solution, Sermorelin human growth hormone anti-aging therapy is available by prescription only to qualified clients. Clients are urged to take caution when ordering products advertised as human growth hormone. These products are typically manufactured outside of the U.S. where there are no safety guidelines and normally contain unknown fillers that may be dangerous. Human growth hormone without a physician prescription is illegal and useless.

Call today to learn more about finding your personal fountain of youth with safe and effective prescription Sermorelin human growth hormone anti-aging therapy.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

