Danish medical company Coloplast delivers strong full-year results and expects high future growth.

Revenue was up by 9% to DKK 12,428m for the 2013/14 financial year, with the EBIT margin before special items at 33%, versus 32% last year. EBIT before special items increased by 13% to reach DKK 4,147m.

“I'm very pleased with our strong full-year performance, which has helped consolidate our position as a global market leader. We grew our business by 9% overall in a market that is growing by about 5%, while also increasing our EBIT margin. In other words, our consolidated profit meets the high expectations we have for our company,” says Coloplast CEO Lars Rasmussen.

Sales growth by business area was as follows: Ostomy Care 8%, Continence Care 10%, Urology Care 9% and Wound & Skin Care 10%. Revenue increased by 6% in Europe, by 10% in Other established markets and by 24% in Emerging markets.

“We’re particularly pleased with the sales performance in our Wound & Skin Care business and with the 24% growth in Emerging markets, which was driven by strong sales in the Chinese and Brazilian markets,” says Lars Rasmussen.

Bold product launches and a consumer centered strategy
Senior Vice President, Chronic Care North America, Ed Veome says: “The US is an important market for Coloplast and it is very encouraging that we have been able to deliver a strong sales performance in the US in the past year.”

 “We have maintained the positive momentum in our business with the launch of bold new products across our business areas.  For example, our newest ostomy appliance, Sensura Mio®, has been very positively received by users and clinicians in the US.“
"New innovative products are a cornerstone of our strategy that puts the consumer in the center. The majority of our users in the US have overcome critical conditions, and we want to help them return to their normal lives by listening and responding to their needs."

Coloplast employs more than 500 people in the US and has its US headquarters in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Globally, Coloplast employs more than 9.000. Its products are sold in more than 100 countries around the world. Coloplast is listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange, part of the NASDAQ OMX Group and has a market cap of around USD 18 billion (DKK 104 billion).

 For the 2014/2015 financial year, Coloplast projects revenue growth of about 9% at constant exchange rates and of 11% in DKK, and an EBIT margin of around 34%, both at constant exchange rates and in DKK. 

 For further information, click here to read the full-year earnings release.

The Coloplast Annual Report for 2013/14 will be released later today. For more information, go to http://www.coloplast.com/Investor-Relations/Annual-reports/

Also later today, Coloplast will release its Corporate Responsibility Report for 2013/14. For more information, go to http://www.coloplast.com/About-Coloplast/Responsibility/Policies/


Simon Mehl Augustesen
Media Relations Manager
+45 4911 3488

Ian Christensen
Vice President, Investor Relations
+45 4911 1301




Financial highlights and key ratios
12 mths.
12 mths.
Revenue 12,428 11,635 7%
EBIT 3,147 3,672 (14%)
EBIT margin 25% 32% (7 p.p.)
Special items 1,000 - -
EBIT before special items 4,147 3,672 13%
EBIT margin before special items 33% 32% 1 p.p.


Sales performance by business area
2013/14 12 mths.
2012/13 12 mths.
Organic growth Reported growth
Ostomy Care 5,091 4,849 8% 5%
Continence Care 4,438 4,081 10% 9%
Urology Care 1,199 1,124 9% 7%
Wound & Skin Care 1,700 1,581 10% 8%
Revenue 12,428 11,635 9% 7%


Pièces jointes

FY_201314_press release_US.pdf