Is infrastructure an asset class? Can infrastructure play a role in developing liability-driven investment strategies and improving diversification?

Following on from the success of previous courses on Strategic Asset Allocation and Investment Solutions, Equity Investment, Fixed-Income Investment, which attracted over 200 participants, the Yale School of Management (SOM) and EDHEC-Risk Institute Seminar Series continues.

The next seminar on Alternative Investments (in London on 20-21 November and in New Haven on 2-3 December) will explore the reasons behind the decision taken a decade ago by a number of large investors to become direct investors in infrastructure and to abandon investment delegation to specialist infrastructure managers. It will review existing evidence of the performance of listed and unlisted investments with regard to the infrastructure sector and suggest innovative approaches to measure the risk-adjusted performance of portfolios of private infrastructure equity and debt. It will show that these approaches can help investors address infrastructure investment from an asset allocation, asset-liability and prudential perspective. The different forms of infrastructure investment vehicles will be reviewed and the advantages and limitations of direct investing analysed. New designs for cost-effective infrastructure investment solutions will also be drawn up and discussed in class.

Yale SOM/EDHEC-Risk Institute courses take place on Yale SOM's New Haven campus in the United States and on EDHEC-Risk Institute's campus in London, England.

EDHEC-Risk Institute, 393 promenade des anglais, BP3116, 06202 Nice Cedex 3, France. For further information, please contact: Séverine Cibelly, Tel.: +33 493 187 863, E-mail:, Web:

Pièces jointes

Press release - Yale SOM ERI Seminar Series