Imagination to Share Vision for Driving WebRTC Into Everything at WebRTC Conference & Expo

LONDON, Nov. 7, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Imagination Technologies (IMG.L) announces its participation in the upcoming WebRTC Conference & Expo V, including a keynote, panel participation and live technology demonstrations.

Who: Imagination, a global leader in multimedia, processor, communication and cloud technologies
What: Krishna Yarlagadda, president of Imagination Inc., will deliver a keynote, "WebRTC for Everything: Driving a High-Quality Experience in Mobile and Beyond," which will focus on overcoming the technical challenges in wide deployment of WebRTC.
  In addition, Saraj Mudigonda, business development manager at Imagination, will join other experts to discuss: "Managing Expectations in Your Applications," focusing on how developers can plan for a quality experience, test their application, and instrument the operation for quality assurance as new WebRTC applications are deployed into distributed cloud servers and operate across the open Internet.
  Imagination will also demonstrate its HelloSoft WebRTC media engine that provides enhanced voice and video quality for companies building native or browser-based voice and video conferencing services based on WebRTC – resulting in a superior user experience across mobile and tablet platforms. Imagination's WebRTC client and other HelloSoft offerings are part of the company's broad portfolio of communications technologies including Ensigma RPUs for multi-standard connectivity such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and its FlowCloud platform for IoT and device-to-cloud connectivity.
When: The conference runs from November 18 – 20, 2014. Exhibit Hours:
  Tuesday, November 18: 5:00pm – 7:30pm
  Wednesday, November 19: 8:00am – 9:10am; 10:20am – 2:00pm; 3:30pm – 7:30pm
  Thursday, November 20: 10:00am – 2:10pm
  Mr. Yarlagadda will deliver his keynote on Wednesday, November 19, at 4:00pm.
  The "Managing Expectations in Your Applications," workshop will take place from 2:40pm – 3:20pm on Wednesday, November 19.
Where: The WebRTC Conference and Expo will be held at the San Jose Convention Center in San Jose, CA. The HelloSoft WebRTC media engine demonstrations will be held in Imagination's booth number 56; to arrange a meeting, please contact

For more information about the conference, visit

About HelloSoft V.VoIP and WebRTC

Imagination's HelloSoft range of licensable IP includes comprehensive software SDKs delivering everything needed to implement high-quality, power-efficient enhanced WebRTC, Voice over IP and LTE (VoIP, VoLTE), Voice plus Video over IP (V.VoIP) and Rich Communications Suite (RCS 5.0) for multi-mode wireless and wireline devices. HelloSoft IP products and technologies are 'carrier-grade' cross-platform solutions, already deployed in millions of devices. Built on years of engineering experience to ensure that they are ready for the most extensive 3G, 4G and enterprise network deployments, all SDKs and platforms are available for Android, iPhone, Windows and Linux environments.

HelloSoft technology is also used in Imagination's innovative FlowTalk V.VoIP application, part of Imagination's FlowCloud platform.

About Imagination Technologies

Imagination is a global technology leader whose products touch the lives of billions of people across the globe. The company's broad range of silicon IP (intellectual property) includes the key processing blocks needed to create the SoCs (Systems on Chips) that power all mobile, consumer and embedded electronics. Its unique software IP, infrastructure technologies and system solutions enable its customers get to market quickly with complete and highly differentiated SoC platforms. Imagination's licensees include many of the world's leading semiconductor manufacturers, network operators and OEMs/ODMs who are creating some of the world's most iconic products. See:

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