SolarCity and Hawaiian Electric Join Forces with NREL to Advance Distributed Solar

SAN MATEO, Calif. and HONOLULU, Nov. 20, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SolarCity has entered into a cooperative research agreement with the Energy Department's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to address operational issues associated with high degrees of distributed solar penetration on electrical grids. The work includes collaboration with the Hawaiian Electric Companies to analyze high penetration solar scenarios using advanced modeling and inverter testing at the Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF).

Testing with SolarCity and Hawaiian Electric at ESIF is covering the dynamic of inverter-based assets on a grid system, voltage regulation, and bi-directional power flows. Engineers from SolarCity and Hawaiian Electric were at NREL's campus in September to kick off the research project, and in October for a follow up meeting.

"This is an excellent opportunity to utilize ESIF's unique capability to evaluate system-level issues such as anti-islanding, and help reduce risk and minimize the R &D challenges a power distributor or producer may face," NREL's Director of Partnerships for Energy Systems Integration Martha Symko-Davies said.

Hawaiian Electric is providing technical input on testing and setup throughout the process as well as feedback on results.

"We know how important the option of solar is for our customers. Solving these issues requires that everyone - utilities, the solar industry and other leading technical experts like NREL - work together. That's what this work is all about," said Colton Ching, Hawaiian Electric vice president for energy delivery. "With the highest amount of solar in the nation, our utilities are facing potential reliability and safety issues before anywhere else."

Hawaiian Electric has already seen such promising initial test results that they recently announced a plan for approving net-metered customers waiting to interconnect their rooftop solar systems in neighborhoods with high amounts of solar already installed. Applying the preliminary results of NREL and SolarCity's research with Hawaiian Electric, the utility expects that they will approve over the next five months almost all customers who have been awaiting interconnection.

"SolarCity is committed to ensuring that solar is an asset to grid operators, and this partnership will take us further towards that goal," said Peter Rive, SolarCity's co-founder and chief technology officer.

NREL will also evaluate SolarCity's PV generation curtailment hardware and software based on the potential need for PV power curtailment, or the use of less solar power than is potentially available at a specific time, through a remote signal.

"We're pleased that Hawaiian Electric agreed to partner on these important tests and commend them for taking early test results and instituting policy changes that will help Hawai'i's solar industry. Our collaboration has been fruitful and we look forward to continuing our work together," said Jon Yoshimura, SolarCity's Director of Policy and Electricity Markets.

The research was supported by the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy. Funding was equally shared between SolarCity and the Energy Department's SunShot Initiative.

About SolarCity

SolarCity® (NASDAQ: SCTY) provides clean energy. The company has disrupted the century-old energy industry by providing renewable electricity directly to homeowners, businesses and government organizations for less than they spend on utility bills. SolarCity gives customers control of their energy costs to protect them from rising rates. The company makes solar energy easy by taking care of everything from design and permitting to monitoring and maintenance. SolarCity currently serves 15 states and signs up approximately one new customer every minute of the work day. Visit the company online at and follow the company on Facebook & Twitter.

About Hawaiian Electric Company

Hawaiian Electric and its subsidiaries, Maui Electric and Hawai'i Electric Light, serve the islands of Oahu, Maui, Lanai, Molokai and Hawai'i Island, home to 95 percent of the people of Hawai'i. Hawaiian Electric's parent company is Hawaiian Electric Industries (NYSE: HE). In a changing world, the Hawaiian Electric Companies are taking the lead in adding renewable energy and developing energy solutions for its customers to achieve a lower cost, clean energy future for Hawai'i. For more information, visit


