FICO 9: SubscriberWise is first in Nation to Integrate the New Score for Consumer-Initiated Underwriting; MCTV is first Communications Operator to Utilize

SubscriberWise fact: Ohio man with only medical collections benefits profoundly from FICO 9 and SubscriberWise decision management technology. The new model instantly generates an additional 77 points.

MASSILLON, Ohio, Nov. 21, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- via PRWEB - SubscriberWise®, a leading provider of analytics-driven subscriber decision management technology and the nation's largest issuing consumer reporting agency for the communications industry, announced today that the issuing consumer reporting agency has integrated FICO 9 with its industry-leading and award winning segmentation and decision management technology. The integration immediately followed FICO's national announcement that FICO 9 was available at TransUnion. The first consumer-initiated FICO 9 scores were generated with SubscriberWise technology on November 20, 2014.

"SubscriberWise is proud to be first in the nation to integrate this new scoring technology for underwriting and regulatory compliance of the nation's communications consumers," said David Howe, president of SubscriberWise. "The sophisticated enhancements introduced with the new score will undoubtedly benefit consumers while also enabling SubscriberWise member operators to achieve increased sales among its prospective customers."

"By scoring consumers who have only negative items related to medical obligations less adversely, SubscriberWise decision management technology – with FICO 9 score as a leading component - will more accurately and fairly assess the credit ratings of consumers across the nation," commented David Hoffer, MCTV chief operating officer and vice president for SubscriberWise. "Separating medical debt from other credit obligations is an expectation that's long been regarded critical by our members.

We've been preparing to integrate this new score since FICO's initial announcement," continued Hoffer. "We've completed necessary software updates and we're now positioned to integrate FICO 9 for member operators across the nation. We expect to complete this process within the coming weeks."

"I have a cousin who is a reliable borrower and an excellent credit risk," continued David Howe. "His sole negative items are unresolved medical obligations from major medical and surgical expenses. He's also been plagued by disputes related to co-pays that have resulted in adverse items placed on credit bureau reports by third party collection agencies.

"Yesterday I asked my cousin to apply for an internet account at MCTV," Howe stated. "We initiated the credit application and simultaneously processed the new FICO 9 score with a general purpose FICO score using the same credit file from the same national repository. The results were remarkable," explained Howe. "Despite a consumer report that contained a significant number of medical collection accounts - along with loans and credit card accounts paid-as-agreed and each in excellent standing - the FICO score increased from a 662 to a 739. That's a 77 point increase based on the exact same credit bureau data and two models created by the same company (David Howe is also a consultant and credit manager for MCTV. Howe founded SubscriberWise at MCTV in 2005; the company launched nationally in 2006).

"Yes, this is indeed remarkable," emphasized Howe. "Finally, there is a scoring technology that's able to ignore adverse medical obligations to more accurately assess consumer risk. In other words, the evidence is clear: we now have a prime credit score for a consumer who was long proven a reliable and safe borrower by any reasonable standard of creditworthiness but negatively impacted by medical obligations that today plague millions of similar consumers."

"Specifically, from the standpoint of SubscriberWise decision management technology, these anticipated point increases will translate into the elimination of security deposits and even result in targeted marketing offers with special incentives for many consumers. For consumers struggling with sub-prime FICO scores, the point increases will translate into lower deposits that will boost sales for operators while easing entry for customers.

"I acknowledge our partner company TransUnion for its performance assisting SubscriberWise with its launch of FICO 9," continued Howe. "I received notification from the national repository the same day the score was released, advising SubscriberWise that the FICO 9 score was live and ready for production - only hours after I ordered its implementation.

"I also acknowledge and appreciate the expertise of our chief systems engineer Mark Hoffer for programming SubscriberWise in a way that facilitated the near instant speed-to-market of FICO 9," added Howe.

"For the next week or two, SubscriberWise will quantify the performance of FICO 9 with our proprietary segmentation technology," said Howe. "Once we have empirically derived segmentation data, we'll communicate the information to our nationwide member operators. We'll then integrate the new score for every U.S. operator.

"I hope other creditors will follow our lead," concluded Howe. "I hope consumers everywhere will demand its adoption."

About SubscriberWise and David Howe

SubscriberWise® launched as the first U.S. issuing consumer reporting agency exclusively for the cable industry in 2006. In 2009, SubscriberWise and TransUnion announced a joint marketing agreement for the benefit of America's independent cable operators. Today SubscriberWise is a risk management preferred-solutions provider for the National Cable Television Cooperative.

David Howe is founder and president of SubscriberWise. He is also a consultant and credit manager for MCTV. During his 18-year career at MCTV, Howe has reviewed more than 50,000 credit submissions. His interest in credit began in 1986 while a 17-year old student in high school.

Howe is the only known individual – living or deceased – to have obtained simultaneous perfect FICO 850 scores at Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Howe has also obtained simultaneous perfect Vantage scores across every national credit bureau. Howe has obtained FICO Professional Certification and is also the first and only citizen of the world to describe and report the details of the perfect FICO score to a U.S. reporter.

Howe produced and published two videos on the subject of perfect credit: FICO 850 Credit Report Facts and FICO Scores: The Facts. The first general-purpose FICO scores were debuted nearly a quarter century ago.

SubscriberWise contributions to the communications industry are today quantified in the tens of millions of dollars annually.

SubscriberWise is a U.S.A. federally registered trademark of the SubscriberWise Limited Liability Co.


David E. Howe, +1 330-880-4848 Ext: 137
David Hoffer, 330-833-4134 x124

This article was originally distributed on PRWeb. For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit

