Lose More Weight in Less Time With Appetite Zap, Diet Doc's Newest Addition to Their Already Impressive Collection of Diet Products

In Their Continuing Effort to Bring the Safest and Most Up to Date Diet Programs to Their Clients, Diet Doc Has Added Appetite Zap That Works Flawlessly With Their Diet Plans and Hormone Treatments to Target, Attack and Burn Excess Fat

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 29, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the body ages, many noticeable changes occur. Women typically begin accumulating excess fat at the onset of menopause while men may develop a beer belly during mid-life. Many of these changes occur because the metabolism slows, calories are not burned as quickly and activity levels decline. Excess calories become stored as excess fat, typically gathering in the hips, thighs, belly and buttocks.

Diet Doc believes that excess weight should not prevent anyone from enjoying good health, regardless of their age. For this reason, they combined scientific research with modern medical understanding to create diet programs and prescription diet products that eliminate the burden of unhealthy, embarrassing and uncomfortable excess fat.

Diet Doc's easy to follow, 4-phase diet programs can help people in any corner of the country lose excess fat safely, naturally and rapidly. Developed by doctors who are trained in the science of fast weight loss, their diet programs include medical supervision throughout, professionally designed meal and snack plans that are unique to each patient's age, gender, metabolism, nutritional needs and medical conditions. To this, they added prescription hormone treatments, diet pills and appetite suppressants like Appetite Zap that, not only help patients over the initial weight loss hurdles by controlling between meal hunger, food cravings and loss of energy, but that safely and effectively deliver the best weight loss available on today's market. In fact, a recent in-house survey of 20,000 actual patients revealed typical weight loss of up to 20 pounds per month.

Qualified patients will receive prescriptions for Diet Doc's hormone treatments, diet pills and Appetite Zap, enabling them to see fat melting from their body four times faster than with other diet products. This powerful combination intensifies the body's ability to target, attack and release old, stored fat into the bloodstream to be quickly burned and flushed from the system.

Because of the special formulation of Appetite Zap, patients who have added this powerful suppressant to their diet programs report:

  • Increased energy and improved immune system;
  • Increased libido and sex drive;
  • Improved mood;
  • Relief of menstrual cramps, hot flashes, anxiety, mood swing and depression;
  • Increased memory and mental acuity;
  • An overall feeling of wellbeing.

Earning their exemplary reputation by delivering diet programs that really work, Diet Doc encourages those who are struggling to lose that final 10-20 pounds to those who must lose 100 pounds or more to call the nation's leader in diet programs today.

