New World Systems Helps Kansas City Public Safety Agencies Increase Availability and Efficiency

TROY, Mich., Dec. 10, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Public safety personnel in Kansas City, Kansas soon will provide residents with greater availability by using New World Systems® Aegis™ Public Safety Software Solutions.

The Unified Government of Wyandotte County in Kansas City, KS will implement these Aegis solutions:

  • CAD Enterprise for Law Enforcement, Fire & EMS
  • Mobile Enterprise, with such features as:
    • Mobile Messaging
    • Mobile Field Reporting
    • Automatic Vehicle Location
  • Law Enforcement Records Management
  • Fire Records Management
  • Decision Support & Dashboards

This selection will improve performance and efficiencies of the Kansas City Kansas Police Department (KCKPD), Kansas City Kansas Fire Department (KCKFD), and Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office, according to KCKPD Information Systems Manager Larry Owens.

Aegis will also help agencies reduce their time spent creating reports and accessing information, increase availability of public safety personnel to residents, and improve information sharing with the community.

"Our public safety agencies wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to improve performance and efficiencies as well as utilize new technologies and capabilities that New World's solution promises to deliver," Owens said. "New World's ability to integrate various disparate databases into a single collaborative solution was the key functionality required in selecting a new software system provider."

The KCKPD, KCKFD, and Wyandotte County Sheriff's Office performed a two-year Request for Proposal (RFP) process. The RFP committee narrowed its selection to four vendors before selecting New World.

"Our requirements in selecting a vendor included a company with a proven public safety track record that could be verified by current customers," Owens said. "In addition, we also wanted the vendor we selected to possess financial stability and the ability to respond to our specific needs, and New World does."

Owens said the county's search committee was especially confident in its decision to select New World after receiving positive feedback about the public safety software provider from several agencies including those in Saline County, KS and Buchanan County, MO.

"The public safety agencies of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County look forward to networking with other New World Customers," Owens said. "We expect this interaction to enhance our experience while at the same time positively impacting the development of future functionality."

Trusted by more than 2,000 public sector organizations nationwide, New World Systems designs, develops, markets, supports and implements the Logos.NET™ Public Administration Suite for local governments and integrated Aegis™ Suite of Public Safety Solutions for Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS.


