Diet Doc Announces a Method for Consumers to Know Which hCG Diet Plan is Genuine and Safe

Diet Doc Weight Loss Denounces the hCG Drops Diet and Warns Consumers Against 500-Calorie Per Day hCG Diet Plans That Are Not Doctor Supervised

PHOENIX, Jan. 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Diet Doc Weight Loss understands that at this time of year, many consumers are searching for a weight loss plan, including the hCG diet plan, hCG drops diet, Atkins diet, Mediterranean diet and more. Organizations, even doctors offering the hCG drops diet, should be warned that hCG diet drops are a placebo and are illegal according to the FDA. "The reason is that there are no over-the-counter products that contain prescription medications. If there were, a prescription for the product would be required," states Julie Wright, President of Diet Doc. The FDA has issued this statement to help people understand the laws regarding false advertising on weight loss products that make unrealistic claims, or that advertise a product, such as the hCG drops diet, as hCG drops only work when the consumer starves themselves on a 500 calorie per day diet. "Such low calories can cause cardiac arrest, muscle loss, saggy skin and more," reports Wright.

For consumers looking to lose weight fast, it is highly advisable to seek the help of a qualified weight loss doctor. "A doctor who recommends 500 calories per day is not practicing medicine responsibly," reports Wright. "There are consumers who might argue that hCG diet drops have worked for them previously, they lost weight fast, but they are playing Russian roulette with their health," states Wright. There is no reason for consumers to be led astray with illegal claims by hCG drops diet.

Diet Doc Weight Loss is a medically, supervised weight loss program designed and managed by a team of weight loss physicians. Diet Doc is known for creating unique, personalized diet plans for each person based on their health history, weight loss goal, age, gender and lifestyle. "We are able to achieve rapid weight loss by knowing the issues each person is faced with as an individual and meeting those issues head on," states Dr. Rao, Medical Director of Diet Doc. Rao concludes that, "Rapid weight loss is safe, without hunger or fatigue when managed by a qualified weight loss doctor."

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support. For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

