Chiropractor Introduces San Antonio Weight Loss Program

SAN ANTONIO, Jan. 25, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chiropractor Dr. Phillips is introducing his weight loss program for people in the community who need extra support keeping their weight loss goals in the New Year. According to Dr. Phillips, the program starts with a complete health inventory that includes bioelectrical impedance testing, hormonal and food allergy tests. He says that these tests help reveal difficulties behind a person's weight loss so that diet and exercise plans can be tailored to each individual's needs. Dr. Phillips encourages people who are motivated to lose weight and have struggled in the past with weight loss to utilize these tests.

Dr. Phillips says he wants 2015 to be a life-changing year for people who have been trying, but struggling to lose weight. "Yes, losing weight is hard, but staying overweight is actually harder. This is so important to understand, because excess weight contributes to diabetes, cardiovascular disease, fatigue, back pain, injuries—it's painful and it can shorten and blunt your life. That's why we created this San Antonio weight loss program to help people get the support, knowledge and tools they need to finally succeed in reaching a healthy weight and a better life."

According to Dr. Phillips, the initial health inventory and testing is crucial to weight loss success. He says many people diet and exercise, yet still struggle to lose weight because of hidden food allergies, hormonal imbalances and insulin resistance. When he and his patients know about these underlying problems, he adds, they can use the right food, exercise and supplement therapies to circumvent those issues so the person can finally lose weight.

Dr. Phillips, who is also a certified nutritionist, says that food is a critical key to weight loss for everyone he's worked with. He says one of his main goals is to help patients switch from an over-processed diet high in simple carbs to a diet that focuses on nutrient-dense vegetables, fruits and healthy-proteins. He says it can be hard to make this switch, so in addition to providing recipes that focus on whole foods, he also has a licensed professional counselor on staff who helps people psychologically work through the difficulties involved in such big life changes.

"Starting this weight loss program was one of the best things I ever did for my patients—it's made them fitter, stronger, lighter, more energetic and happier overall. Seeing them relish their success and enjoy a better life is absolutely amazing," says Dr. Phillips. He adds that anyone interested in joining this program can call his office to schedule an appointment to get started.

Dr. Phillips has been a chiropractor in San Antonio for almost two decades, providing chiropractic care, spinal decompression, massage therapy, exercise and nutritional counseling, acupuncture and other wellness services. More information about weight loss is available at:

