Avineon, Inc. Awarded EAGLE II Contract

MCLEAN, Va., Jan. 27, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Avineon, Inc. (Avineon), a global provider of information technology, geospatial, and engineering support services, has been awarded an Enterprise Acquisition Gateway for Leading-Edge Solutions II (EAGLE II) contract by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The contract, designed to obtain IT support services, was awarded under the unrestricted (UNR) track for Functional Category One (FC-1) Service Delivery. Task orders for various services, including integration, software design/development, and operations and maintenance support, may be solicited under this contract by any DHS component.

DHS is tasked with leading efforts to achieve a safe, secure, and resilient homeland through oversight of a variety of directorates and programs, while ensuring interoperability and efficiency throughout all of its components. The EAGLE II will enable DHS to obtain quality, reliable IT support services with the speed and flexibility required to meet today's emergent risks and goals.

As a member of the Aerient small business JV, Avineon provided outstanding support to a variety of DHS customers under the first EAGLE contract, including DHS Headquarters, Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), US Coast Guard (USCG), Transportation Security Lab (TSL), US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD).

Avineon's chief operating officer, Heesun Robertson, commented, "Avineon is proud of our record of performance in support of DHS. We are dedicated to continuing to serve this valued customer, providing innovations and support services integral to meeting the challenges facing DHS now and in the future."

About Avineon®

Avineon, Inc. was founded to help you Visualize IT and See IT Through. Since 1992, our customers have relied on us to deliver technically sound information technology, geospatial, and engineering support solutions. We have also leveraged this experience to develop Avineonics®, a state of the art information system that leverages business process management technology to improve execution of mission-critical tasks. With headquarters in McLean, Virginia and offices in Florida, Canada, Europe, and India, we stand ready to apply our CMMI Maturity Level 3 and ISO 9001:2008 compliant processes for the benefit of your organization. For more information, please visit www.avineon.com.


