AFPM Applauds Introduction of Bills to Address the Renewable Fuel Standard

WASHINGTON, DC,, Feb. 4, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Statement by the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers (AFPM) President Charles T. Drevna on the Renewable Fuel Standard Reform Act and the Renewable Fuel Standard Elimination Act, two bills that would significantly reform or repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard:

"Reps. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA), Peter Welch (D- VT), Steve Womack (R-AK) and Jim Costa (D-CA) should be commended for leading a bipartisan effort to revisit the nation's broken ethanol mandate. The federal government mandating what Americans put in their gas tanks was a flawed policy from the start. The so-called Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) has not only failed to live up to its original objectives, it actively works against them. Today's measures are important first steps towards repealing or significantly reforming this anti-consumer program, which is no longer needed or wanted."


