The Supreme Court of Canada to Release Assisted Suicide Decision Tomorrow

LONDON, Ontario, Feb. 5, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition is a national non-profit organization since 1999 that supports positive measures while opposing euthanasia and assisted suicide.

The safety and security of every Canadian needs to be the primary concern of the Supreme Court of Canada and Parliament.

Whatever the Supreme Court decides, it will not change the reality that legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide gives doctors the right, in law, to intentionally cause the death of their patients. Abuse of our current law already occurs. If assisted dying is legalized, more abuse will occur.

If legalized, assisted suicide will create new paths to abuse of elders, people with disabilities and other socially devalued people. The scourge of elder abuse in our culture continues to grow.

Depression is common for people with significant health conditions. A study in the Netherlands found that depression was a primary factor for requests for euthanasia.

Recent cases in the Netherlands include: a woman with Tinnitus, a woman who didn't want to live in a nursing home, and a depressed recently retired man. The reported cases of euthanasia for psychiatric conditions tripled in the Netherlands in 2013.

A significant study from the Netherlands found that at least 300 assisted deaths are done each year without request and 23% of all of the assisted deaths are not reported.

EPC is committed to protecting Canadians from euthanasia and assisted suicide. We believe in caring for people, not killing people.

EPC is available for media inquiries.

Amy Hasbrouck (Ottawa) from Toujours Vivant – Not Dead Yet, will be with Taylor Hyatt at the Supreme Court Grand Entrance Hall. Contact Amy at: (450) 921-3057 or

