Family Law Reform Announces New Legislative Sponsor for Upcoming Alimony Reform Bill

TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Feb. 13, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Family Law Reform (FLR), the grassroots organization responsible for the Florida Alimony Reform bill, has just announced that Representative Colleen Burton will replace Ritch Workman as the 2015 Legislative Sponsor for Alimony Reform.

"I am pleased to acknowledge Representative Colleen Burton as our new Legislative Sponsor for the 2015 Legislative Session for Alimony Reform," said FLR president Alan Frisher. "Ritch Workman, who has carried the baton and worked tirelessly for Alimony Reform for the past three years, is now the Chairman of the Rules Committee of the House. As such, he is prevented from directly sponsoring any bills. Representative Colleen Burton will work directly with Senator Kelli Stargel, the Senate sponsor of the 2013 Alimony Reform bill, to introduce new legislation for reforming current alimony laws in our great State."

Governor Scott vetoed alimony reform legislation in 2013 that would have ended permanent alimony and created guidelines for judges as to amounts and duration. In a letter to Senate President Don Gaetz, Governor Scott stated that, "I cannot support this legislation because it applies retroactively and thus tampers with the settled economic expectations of many Floridians who have experienced divorce. The retroactive adjustment of alimony could result in unfair, unanticipated results."

Because of the Gubernatorial election and other pressing State concerns, alimony reform legislation was not introduced in the 2014 legislative session. Now that the election is over, it is believed that lawmakers can give it the attention it deserves while dealing effectively with the Governor's concerns of retroactivity.

"I believe our system of alimony is broken in this state and must be reformed. I am continuing to study and work with all interested parties on a comprehensive reform package," stated Representative Ritch Workman.

Senator Stargel said, "I agreed to sponsor alimony reform legislation because I believe we need a fair way to deal with this very emotional issue. I will continue to work on this important issue."

Frisher, a financial advisor and certified divorce financial analyst, became involved with the cause when he experienced firsthand how current alimony law in Florida caused immense hardship for those who had to support an ex-spouse until death, regardless of circumstances.

"We've been working toward reform for several years now, and I'm cautiously optimistic that this will be the year that we finally end permanent alimony in all but special circumstances, and achieve substantial alimony reform for Florida. This will be tremendous news for the thousands of individuals and families who are currently affected, and who will be affected in the future from divorce," said Frisher.

Founded in 2010, Family Law Reform, Inc. is a nonprofit corporation created to change our state's antiquated alimony laws. Based in Tavares, Florida, FLR represents more than 13000 members across Florida. For more information about Family Law Reform, please visit

