Coloplast wins design awards

Two of Coloplast's prime examples of ingenious and aesthetically designed products - the newly launched female catheter SpeediCath® Compact Eve and ostomy bag SenSura® Mio and - wins the highly acclaimed iF Design Award.

For over 60 years, the iF Design Award has been recognized the world over as a label of design excellence. This year, the international jury assessed some 5,000 entries in order to determine the winners in the iF Design Award 2015. Coloplast’s two entries both launched in 2014, SpeediCath Compact Eve and SenSura Mio, were successful in standing out from the crowd and have received the iF Design Award as a symbol of design excellence.

“When we design products we set an ambition to deliver products that fit into the life of real people. We are proud to receive these awards, which acknowledges the importance of a user friendly and non-stigmatizing design – also when it comes to medtech products,” says Oliver Johansen, Senior Vice President in Coloplast Global R&D.

The Coloplast Design DNA
The two Coloplast products were developed along with the company’s design DNA, which serves to create products with a clear Coloplast identity that deliver an aesthetic, reliable and consistent user experience.

“I believe the fact that we win two awards, is a great testament to our strong Design DNA. When developing a new product we embed design from the get-go in order to make it an integrated part of the product – and not just an ad-on. This was the case with both SpeediCath Compact Eve and Sensura Mio, and will continue to be the case with future products as well,” Oliver Johansen.

‘Taking female catheters to a new level’
The female catheter SpeediCath® Compact Eve made it into the top list of the international expert jury and were honored with an iF Gold Award with the words: “The woman before the product ‒ a non stigmatizing product. By listening to the emotional needs of women, Eve is taking female catheters to a new level, by combining function with an esthetic design inspired by female lifestyle products such as cosmetics,” at the awards ceremony at BMW World in Munich.

The other winning product, the first ever ostomy bag in woven textile SenSura Mio was awarded the iF Design Award at the same awards ceremony.

On Friday February 27, Marc Brøndum, Head of Design at Coloplast and members of his design team went to the BMW event in Munich to receive the gold award on stage.


Simon Mehl Augustesen,
Senior Manager, Media Relations,
+45 4911 3488,

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