Second Class of Leinweber Software Scholars Announced

TROY, Mich., March 2, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Four students at the University of Michigan receive scholarships to pursue their careers in Michigan.

This is the second year UM students received the scholarship created by Larry D. Leinweber, founder and CEO of New World Systems®. Scholarship recipients must be Michigan residents, maintain a high GPA while pursuing a Computer Science (CS) major, and intend on working in Michigan after graduation.

The 2015 recipients are:

Rosa Wu, Sophomore from Ann Arbor, MI

Wu's interest in CS started after taking an introductory course as a freshman. She plans on furthering her education by studying abroad in Spain this summer. She hopes to build a community of like-minded individuals to continue to expand software career opportunities in Michigan.

Wu's Dream Job:

"If I could choose anything, I'd pick base-jumping. I like the idea of being able to fly."

Austin Deal, Sophomore from Saline, MI

Deal loves to learn about technology and how systems work. He said what interests him the most about CS is that the skill set can be applied to any field, which opens doors to several opportunities.

Deal's Role Models:

"My parents made a lot of sacrifices so that I could have the opportunities that I've had in my life."

Samidha Visai, Sophomore from Canton, MI

Visai became interested in CS after experiencing the student organizations on campus, specifically MHacks. This group taught Visai the power of technology and how it drives society, which helped create the passion she feels toward software and technology.

Visai's Extra-Curricular Activities:

Olympic weight lifting, triathlons, and hip hop music.

Nicholas Higgins, Sophomore from Warren, MI

In high school, Higgins took part in a five-week mini-course where he learned Java, built a program, and applied it to an environmental group he was a part of. They still use the program to this day. That experience led him to discover a passion for bringing technology to fields that are otherwise not technologically oriented.

Fun Fact about Higgins:

He can solve a Rubik's Cube in less than 45 seconds.

"New World has been a part of Metro Detroit's growing technology industry since 1981 and we believe that attracting and nurturing local talent is key to our continued success," Leinweber said.

Trusted by more than 2,000 public sector organizations nationwide, New World Systems designs, develops, markets, supports and implements the integrated Aegis™ Suite of Public Safety Solutions for Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS and Logos.NET™ Public Administration Suite for local governments and K-12 school districts.


