Binford Pet Wellness Clinic Warns of Flea, Tick and Mosquito-Borne Diseases

INDIANAPOLIS, March 15, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Veterinarian Dr. Angela Darden of Binford Pet Wellness Clinic in Indianapolis says that incidences of flea, tick and mosquito-borne diseases such as heartworm, Lyme disease and tapeworm may be on the rise for pets this spring. She urges pet owners to keep their pets' flea, tick and heartworm preventative medications current throughout the year, and to bring pets in for annual heartworm testing or if they have had lapses in medication. Dr. Darden adds that there are two new, longer-lasting heartworm and flea and tick preventative medications on the market that pet owners may find more convenient than monthly applications.

"The new heartworm and flea and tick medications that are coming out now last longer than one month," explains Dr. Darden. "ProHeart 6 is a heartworm preventative injection we give here in the clinic and it lasts 6 months. Bravecto is a new chewable that kills fleas and ticks for 12 weeks. These are good alternatives for busy pet owners who might accidentally forget and lapse on their pet's monthly medications like Heartgard and NexGard."

Dr. Darden says that pets that have lapsed on heartworm medication must be tested for heartworm infection before any new medications can be given, otherwise a pet might go into anaphylactic shock. Heartworm can be transmitted by just one mosquito bite containing heartworm larvae. The larvae feed on the heart's lining, growing to eventually clog the pet's blood vessels. According to Dr. Darden, most healthy pets show no symptoms of heartworm until their infections are already advanced and critical, which is why she urges pet owners to keep them medicated all year.

Pets can pick up dangerous diseases from fleas and ticks in both urban parks and more rural, outdoorsy settings, adds Dr. Darden. The most common complaint she hears with fleas is dermatitis from flea bites. She says that flea infested pets often scratch and nibble at their flea bites until hotspots or bleeding sores develop. Fleas are also known to spread typhus, tapeworm, and can cause anemia in young and small-breed pets. Tick-borne Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis and even Rocky Mountain spotted fever have been recorded in pets here in Indiana, so she warns pet owners not to lapse on flea and tick preventatives either.

"The good news is that pet owners have more options in heartworm, flea and tick preventative medications now. They can still choose the monthly medications, or they can opt for our recommendation of the longer-lasting injections and chewables instead. The important thing is just not to let their pet's protection lapse so they do not get exposed to these dangerous diseases."

Binford Pet Wellness Clinic in Indianapolis provides full animal hospital services including pet dental care, parasite prevention, vaccinations, spay and neuter pet surgery, grooming, bathing and emergency care. Visit their website at to learn more.

