ABO-Group announces annual results for 2014

ABO-Group announces annual results for 2014  

Ghent, 31 March 2015 - 18.00 CET - Press release / Regulated information

ABO-Group, a unity of integrated engineering and testing businesses active in the areas of the soil, the environment, geotechnology, energy and waste, has today announced its consolidated financial figures for 2014.

in € 000
in € 000
Per share
in €
Total operating income 28,093 29,947 6.6%  
REBITDA* 2,206 2,177 -1.3% 0.21
Depreciation 1,256 1,544 22.9%  
Operating profit 950 342 -64.0% 0.03
Financial result -202 -136 +32.6%  
Profit before tax 748 206 -72.5%  
Net profit 1,350 199 -85.3% 0.02

REBITDA*: recurring earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation

Highlights 2014

  • Strong autonomous sales growth of 6.6%
  • The expansion of the group will have a temporary impact on operational profitability
  • Strong balance sheet and financial position, ready for the next step
  • Listing of ABO-Group on Euronext Brussels via reverse takeover of Thenergo - capital increase of € 527k realised in December

Outlook 2015

  • Formal confirmation that the takeover of Thenergo complies with legitimate economic needs
  • Ambitious growth and investment plan for 2015 and the coming years

Strong autonomous sales growth of 6%

In spite of a difficult macro-economic context, where the budgets of clients such as the construction industry and the government remain under pressure, ABO-Group succeeded in achieving strong sale figures in 2014. Growth was mainly driven by France.

in € 000
in € 000
Change in € 000 Growth
France 13,652 15,862 +2,210 16.2%
Belgium 12,421 12,084 -337 -2.7%
The Netherlands 1,299 1,069 -230 -17.7%
Total sales 27,372 29,015 +1,643 6.0%

Organisation and expansion of the group will have a temporary impact on operational profitability

Numerous new initiatives were taken within ABO-Group in 2014, on the one hand to simplify the internal structure, and on the other to make growth possible in the coming years. ABO therefore invested in its growth, which placed pressure on its operational profitability. 2014 can therefore be deemed a transitional year, towards a new growth phase.

The operating profit fell from € 950k to € 342k. This decrease can be explained by:

  • a substantial structural and organisational modification of the internal operations:
    • more rapid integration of the consultancy companies ABO and Ecorem
    • consolidation and integration of all IT processes
    • growing and expanding the corporate office (legal, M&A, HR & IT).
  • the reverse takeover of Thenergo NV, which gave ABO-Group a stock market listing for a limited non-recurring cost calculated at € 291,000.
  • higher depreciation (+ € 288k), in line with the decision - despite the recession - to keep on investing in new equipment and safety, and indirectly in people and training.

Strong balance sheet and financial position, ready for the next step

The reverse takeover of Thenergo not only gave ABO-Group a stock market listing, but also significantly strengthened its balance sheet. In addition, at the end of December, the group achieved a capital increase of € 527k in exchange for issue of one new share (the 'relution' transaction). This increased the company's shareholder equity from 8.3 to 10.4 million euros. The financial debts were significantly reduced in 2014. The company's net debt fell from 5.1 to 3.7 million euros. All this means that the group is ready to continue on its path of growth.

The full set of figures (consolidated profit and loss account, consolidated balance sheet and cash flow overview) is included as an annex to this press release.

Confirmation that the takeover of Thenergo complies with legitimate economic needs

ABO-Group recently received formal confirmation that the takeover of Thenergo complies with legitimate economic needs. This allows the group to maintain Thenergo's tax position. The liquidation of Thenergo F+L NV has, however, already generated a significant amount in tax losses for the group in 2014. Of these, only a small part has been recognised as a deferred tax asset (€ 1.3 million) until today, as a result of the allocation of the purchase price of the reverse takeover (PPA, purchase price allocation). A new analysis will be carried out every year based on the profitability. Given the results for 2014, we have opted for a conservative approach.

Ambitious growth and investment plan

ABO-Group wishes to expand its environmental and energy consultancy, engineering and testing activities further by tapping into new growth markets (Central and South-East Asia, Africa and the former East Bloc countries). The group positions itself as a European player with international ambitions. ABO-Group will attempt to bring this about by relying on internal organic growth, by recruiting experts, on the one hand for international projects, and on the other hand by setting up and expanding new activities. In addition, the group also wishes to further develop its acquisition strategy in its home countries of Belgium, the Netherlands and France.

Overview of 2014 / prospects for 2015


ABO-ERG, the French department of ABO-Group, is known as one of the top-performing French businesses in geotechnology and the environment, as a result of which it has broad access to the major national French projects concerning energy transport, industrial projects, nuclear power stations and contaminated sites. In spite of the negative business climate in France, ABO-ERG achieved very significant sales growth of 16% in 2014. This growth can be mainly explained by higher sales to major geotechnical sites. In addition, commercial actions, in particular the expansion of our offices in Lille and Lyon, have also made a contribution. Lastly, ABO-ERG is reaping the harvest of the important major investments in machinery and laboratory equipment, training, quality and safety. The environmental department has been able to hold onto its position in a very difficult market, mainly thanks to major new framework contracts. The 'MASE' certification has brought in new customers within industry and property development. ABO-ERG is diversifying further into related activities, such as water and sediment studies. In this way it was able to continue its growth in 2015 as well in France.


The consultancy activity in Belgium, which is active under the trading names of ABO and Ecorem, was faced with fewer orders in 2014, mainly with regard to government clients. The expected improvement in the second half of the year did not materialise. For both the Flemish and Walloon environmental consultancy market, there was a decline in sales from public procurement as a result of falling market prices. ABO achieved lower demand for services than expected within a number of specific framework contracts.

Continuing pressure is expected in the industry in 2015. ABO is banking heavily on diversification, such as archaeology and BREEAM. Therefore, more consultancy and engineering services are being supplied in addition to the historical main activity of environmental decontamination, based on the one-stop-shop principle. With its 'ABO Environment' concept, ABO is focusing more on clients who need a total package: soil, permits, asbestos surveys, sampling, sustainability, BREEAM, archaeology, water studies, etc.

For a limited part of the sales, estimated at 3% of group sales, ABO-Group expects, in addition to the administrative red tape, a delay in the contract award, implementation and payment. According to the Flemish legislation, a soil expert must be independent of his client (Vlarel Article 53). There is a presumption that ABO-Group is not independent of the Flemish government, because of the supposed shareholding of an ex-Thenergo shareholder who is associated with the Flemish government. The Council of State stated in its decree on 12 January 2015 that it is possible to request a derogation in this regard from the minister, who will then determine that ABO-Group does in fact perform these contracts independently. In the meanwhile a ministerial derogation was obtained for a number of these files.

Geosonda, which is active in the areas of geotechnology, environmental drilling and sampling, achieved strong sales growth in 2014, given that more and more customers are availing themselves of the knowledge, quality and good implementation of Geosonda. The sales increase mainly took place in the second half of the year and also translated into greatly increased profitability. This positive development is the result of a renewal policy, which started earlier, and a few large projects, among other things for infrastructure works and wind energy. 2015 started strongly for Geosonda with a very good utilisation rate and order book.

The Netherlands

The Dutch market remains difficult. The ABO companies are fighting back with continuous cost controls which ensure a cash break-even situation. The second half of the year provided the first positive signals, with sales growth in the geotechnology division and net profitability.

This tendency has continued further at the start of 2015. In spite of this difficult market, we are still actively looking to reinforce our market position.

Financial calendar

27/05/2015: general shareholders' meeting                            30/09/2015: six-monthly figures 2015

About ABO-Group

ABO-Group is a unity of integrated engineering and testing businesses active in the areas of the soil, the environment, geotechnology, energy, groundwater management and waste. ABO-Group has the ambition to increase its sales via internal growth and acquisitions and broadening the range of its activities within and outside Europe. For a more detailed description of the group's risks and activities please refer to the listing document of ABO-Group, released on 31 July, available on the ABO-Group website (www.abo-group.eu).

For more information, please contact:

Johan Reybroeck                                          
CFO ABO-Group NV                                    
T +32 (0)496 59 88 99 
Derbystraat 255, Maaltecenter Blok G, B-9051 Gent (SDW), Belgium

This press release is available on our website  www.thenergo.eu

Report of the auditor

The auditor of ABO-Group Environment NV, BDO Bedrijfsrevisoren Burg. Ven. CVBA, represented by Veerle Catry, confirmed that its audit review has basically been completed, and that no meaningful corrections have come to its attention that would require an adjustment to the consolidated figures for the group for 2014 included in this press release.


Consolidated profit and loss account

          For the year ending on 31 December

          2014   2013   Growth

          In thousands of €    
  Sales       29,015   27,372   6.0%
  Other operating income       932   721   29.3%
  Total operating income       29,947   28,093   6.6%
  Purchases       -2,992   -3,586   -16.6%
  Services and other goods       -10,319   -8,541   20.8%
  Employee benefit obligations       -13,987   -12,998   7.6%
  Depreciation       -1,544   -1,256   22.9%
  Other operating expenses       -763   -762   0.1%
  Operating profit       342   950   -64.0%
  Financial charges       -274   -356    
  Financial income       103   82    
  Share in the profit of associates   35   72    
  Pre-tax profit from continuing operations   206   748   -72.5%
  Taxes       -168   -392    
  Net profit from continuing operations       38   356   -89.3%
  Profit from discontinued operations, after tax   161   994    
  Net profit       199   1,350   -85.3%
  Net profit (loss) attributable to the                
       Shareholders of the group       219   1,344    
       Minority interests of third parties       -20   6    


        For the year ending 31 December
        2014   2013
Profit (loss) per share for the shareholders            
Basic and diluted        € 0.02    € 0.13
Profit (loss) per share (continuing operations)            
Basic and diluted        € 0.00    € 0.04
Profit (loss) per share (discontinued operations)            
Basic and diluted        € 0.02    € 0.10
Weighted average shares (in € 000)       10,425   9,959
Weighted average shares with impact from dilution
(in € 000)
      10,425   9,959

  CONSOLIDATED OVERVIEW OF THE FULL     For the year ending 31 December
  PERIOD RESULT     2014   2013
        In thousands of €
  Net profit     199   1,350
  Unrealised results


Transferable to the profit and loss account
  Change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets     22   -33
  Tax effect     -7   11
  Not transferable to the profit and loss account          
  Actuarial losses     -158   0
  Tax effect     52   0
  Unrealised results, after tax     -91   -22
  Total result, after tax     108   1,328
  Total result, attributable to the          
      Shareholders of the group     128   1,322
      Minority interests of third parties     -20   6

Consolidated balance sheet



    For the year ending 31 December
      2014   2013
      In thousands of €
  Fixed assets        
  Goodwill   154   154
  Intangible fixed assets   89   145
  Tangible fixed assets   9,310   9,310
  Investments in associates   183   98
  Deferred tax assets   1,648   292
  Available-for-sale financial assets   134   115
  Other financial assets   267   226
      11,785   10,340
  Short-term assets        
  Stocks   275   299
  Trade receivables   12,657   12,076
  Other short-term assets   1,364   471
  Cash and cash equivalents   3,327   2,457
      17,623   15,303
  Assets held for sale   1,271   -
Total Assets   30,679   25,643

        For the year ending 31 December

        2014   2013
        In thousands of €

Shareholders' equity and payables

  Net shareholders' equity

  Capital     4,857   2,818
  Consolidated reserves     3,773   3,469
  Unrealised results     1,694   1,870
  Equity attributable to the shareholders of the group     10,324   8,157
  Minority interests     107   127
  Total equity     10,431   8,284
  Long-term liabilities          
  Financial debts     2,022   2,682
  Deferred tax liabilities     921   984
  Provisions     481   369
        3,424   4,035
  Current liabilities          
  Financial debts     5,030   4,853
  Trade payables     4,230   2,698
  Tax liabilities     85   227
  Other short-term debts     6,180   5,546
        15,525   13,324
  Payables related to assets held for sale     1,299   -
Total shareholders' equity and payables     30,679   25,643


Consolidated statement of cash flows
        For the year ending 31 December
        2014   2013
        In thousands of €
Operating activities          
Net profit     199   1,350
Non-cash costs and operational adjustments          
  Depreciation of tangible fixed assets     1,407   1,175
  Depreciation of intangible assets     69   81
  Loss (profit) on disposal of tangible fixed assets     -4   -30
  Real changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets     0   -16
  Movements in provisions     -46   53
  Movements in impairments on customers     20   -82
  Financial income     -93   -82
  Financial charges     274   356
  Profit on disposal of Pangea     0   -991
  Share in the loss (profit) of associates     -35   -72
  Deferred tax charge (income)     -48   136
  Tax charge     216   256
  Other     2   0
Changes to working capital          
  Decrease (increase) in other financial assets, trade receivables and other short-term assets     -900   -569
  Decrease (increase) in stocks     24   -23
  Increase (decrease) in trade payables and other payables     835   -20
        1,920   1,522
  Interest received     44   57
  Taxes paid     -360   -187
Net cash flow from (used in) operating activities     1,604   1,392















Investment activities
  Investments in tangible fixed assets     -774   -891
  Investments in intangible fixed assets     -13   -99
  Sales of tangible fixed assets     27   96
  Acquisition of subsidiary     585   0
  Sale of joint venture     462   0
  Investments in associates     -50   0
Net cash flow from (used in) investment activities     237   -894
Financing activities          
  Income from loans     3,159   2,045
  Repayments of loans     -3,730   -1,923
  Repayments of leasing debts     -585   -434
  Capital increase in cash     527   0
  Directly attributable costs of capital increase     -11    
  Interest paid     -259   -319
  Other financial income (costs)     34   -11
Net cash used in financing activities     -865   -642
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents     976   -144
  Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the period     2,457   2,601
  Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period     3,433   2,457

    Attributable to shareholders
of the group


  Consolidated reserves

  Unrealised results



  Total equity

    In thousands of €
On 31 December 2012 2,818   2,040   1,977   6,835   29   6,864
Net profit     1,344       1,344   6   1,350
Unrealised results         -22   -22       -22
Total results 0   1,344   -22   1,322   6   1,328
Transfer of depreciation of tangible fixed assets     85   -85   0       0
Sale of Pangea             0   92   92
On 31 December 2013 2,818   3,469   1,870   8,157   127   8,284
Net profit     219       219   -20   199
Unrealised results         -91   -91       -91
Total results 0   219   -91   128   -20   108
Reverse acquisition of Thenergo 1,524           1,524       1,524
Capital increase in cash 526           526       526
Directly attributable costs of capital increase -11           -11       -11
Transfer of depreciation of tangible fixed assets     85   -85   0       0
On 31 December 2014 4,857   3,773   1,694   10,324   107   10,431

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Pièces jointes

ABO-Group announces annual results for 2014