HATA Unveils Administrative Simplification White Paper on ERA and EFT Adoption

Results and the Healthcare Industry's Call to Action to Be Advanced at April's ERA/EFT Summit

LAGUNA BEACH, Calif., March 31, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Healthcare Administrative Technology Association (HATA), the national association of practice management system (PMS) vendors and related technology companies, announced today the availability of an industry white paper, "Promoting Administrative Simplification through ERA and EFT Adoption: An Industry Call To Action." Based on the results of a recent HATA survey, the white paper outlines the healthcare provider adoption challenges of ERA and EFT (Electronic Remittance Advice and Electronic Funds Transfer) from the perspective of PMS vendors.

"HATA is taking a stand to increase provider automation and efficiency by advancing administrative simplification in healthcare," said HATA Executive Director, Tim McMullen, JD, CAE. "Increasing adoption of ERA and EFT by both payers and providers has the opportunity to reduce our nation's healthcare costs by more than $2 billion. However, savings can only be realized when both payers and providers commit to actively using these standards." 

Contributing authors of the white paper include HATA members: Tammy Banks, Optum Cloud Solutions; Ana Croxton, NextGen Healthcare; Pam Grosze, PNC Bank; Chris Weber, NextGen Healthcare and Sherry Wilson, Jopari Solutions. Read the overview and download the full HATA white paper here.

As a result of this white paper, HATA issued an Industry Call to Action to all healthcare stakeholders to commit to 100 percent adoption of automated ERA and EFT. This Call to Action will be further clarified and advanced at HATA's ERA/EFT Summit to be held Sunday, April 12, 2015 at the Silversmith Hotel in Chicago, Ill. The half-day event will allow HATA, in addition to its PMS vendor members, to engage payers, providers and their trading partners such as billing services and clearinghouses, in achieving full adoption of ERA/EFT to maximize cost savings across stakeholders.

About HATA

HATA seeks to be an invaluable resource for its members to receive education and healthcare industry information quickly and easily, provide the tools to expand and build upon a member's client base, network and collaborate with practice management system vendor peers and other industry stakeholders, advocate with one representative voice, and influence the healthcare community on issues vital to the healthcare administrative technology industry.

For more information, visit www.hata-assn.org.


