NEI Comments on Quadrennial Energy Review

NEI Urges DOE to Quickly Address Other Equally Pressing Electricity Issues

WASHINGTON, April 21, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Richard Myers, the Nuclear Energy Institute's Vice President for Policy Development and Planning, comments on the U.S. Department of Energy's Quadrennial Energy Review.

"The Nuclear Energy Institute has long believed that the United States faces serious energy and environmental challenges. Although the transportation and transmission infrastructure issues covered in today's Quadrennial Energy Review are undeniably important, NEI hopes that DOE will turn quickly to address equally significant challenges associated with electricity generation and investment.

"Given the need for reliable and low-carbon large-scale electricity sources, there is no question that America needs to increase its use of nuclear energy as we move deeper into the 21st century. Consider these facts: the electricity sector is losing one of its major strengths, fuel and technology diversity; our nation is becoming overly dependent on natural gas for production of electricity; and significant changes in the electricity landscape are coming as many of today's power plants reach retirement age. These circumstances do not bode well for our nation's energy future absent a coordinated effort to retain the full portfolio of energy options.

"Our nation can take a step in the right direction by preserving existing nuclear energy facilities and preparing to build new reactors in the next decade. A continuing, growing contribution from nuclear energy will produce much of the baseload electricity needed at stable prices, and help achieve desired reductions in emissions of carbon and other pollutants.

"Preserving and expanding America's nuclear energy infrastructure is a strategic imperative. In its comments on the energy review, NEI identified seven major areas for the Department of Energy to address to maintain operating nuclear power plants and create the conditions under which companies can build new ones. All seven merit expeditious attention. The Obama administration's two signature initiatives in energy and environmental policy—an "all of the above" energy policy and a commitment to reduce carbon emissions from the electric power sector—are at serious risk if existing reactors shut down and conditions do not support construction of new nuclear plants."

The Nuclear Energy Institute is the nuclear energy industry's policy organization. This news release and additional information about nuclear energy are available at

