AFPM Statement on DOT Enhanced Tank Car Standards

WASHINGTON, May 1, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers reacted to the new Enhanced Tank Car Standards announced today by the Department of Transportation with the following statement from AFPM Executive Vice President Brendan Williams:

"We are in the process of reviewing the Department of Transportation's (DOT) Enhanced Tank Car Standards and will have more to say once our analysis is completed. AFPM members, however, have demonstrated a commitment to improved crude by rail safety; voluntarily investing more than $4 billion to upgrade tank cars in advance of this regulation. We intend to work with DOT to implement today's mitigation-focused rulemaking to the greatest extent possible, but caution that this aggressive retrofit schedule is unrealistic and may be disruptive to transporting crude oil to markets across the country. Now that tank car specifications have been addressed, AFPM suggests that it is long overdue for DOT to show similar concern for the root causes of train derailments: track integrity and human error. Keeping the trains on the tracks should be of the highest priority for DOT. The best way to mitigate an incident is to prevent it from happening."

About AFPM

AFPM, the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers is a trade association representing high-tech American manufacturers of virtually the entire U.S. supply of gasoline, diesel, jet fuel, other fuels and home heating oil, as well as the petrochemicals used as building blocks for thousands of vital products in daily life. AFPM members make modern life possible and keep America moving and growing as they meet the needs of our nation and local communities, strengthen economic and national security, and support 2 million American jobs.

