Flipping the Conversation on Student Success

TargetX and Campus Philly Announce Student-Led Flipped Panel & Insider Perspectives on "Student Success" to be Held June 4th | Hosted by Academy of the Vocal Arts

PHILADELPHIA, May 13, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On June 4th TargetX will sponsor Campus Philly's 2015 Partnership Appreciation Event, an annual event that celebrates Campus Philly partner schools and regional organizations. The event will be held at the Academy of the Vocal Arts and features a special student-led panel -"Insider Perspectives on Student Success" from 4pm-6pm.

"This partnership appreciation event focuses exclusively on our college and cultural partners," says Deborah Diamond, President of Campus Philly, "and we're very excited to have TargetX sponsor the event because this is their sweet spot: connecting students to their best-fit schools for college success."

Led by president of Campus Philly, Deborah Diamond, the panel will be moderated by Sasha Peterson, CEO of TargetX. Five students will represent different types of schools in the region, from community colleges and liberal arts schools to small and large state schools. Among other topics, students will talk about the connection between access to extra-curricular opportunities and overall student success.

"It's never been more important to make sure that the national conversation about student success actually resonates with students," says Peterson. "So, we are especially pleased to partner with Campus Philly on this unique "flipped panel," which will cover the power of off-campus engagement – like arts and culture and internships – in enriching academics and students' chances for success."  

 "Student success is the new standard by which higher ed institutions are being judged, but student success is about more than completing college," points out Diamond. "It means coming out prepared and ready to live the life you want to have. I believe this student-led panel will lead us to new insights." 

"Campus Philly is discovering the power of TargetX's CRM tools and expertise through our own implementation of the platform," continues Diamond. "It's already improving our relationships with our partners and our students and that will make us more effective in our mission to connect students to Philadelphia in ways that are most meaningful for them." 

"We applaud Campus Philly in their many initiatives connecting students with vital resources and information—all of which makes such a huge difference in the individual lives of students and to the Philadelphia region as a whole," continues Peterson. "At TargetX, our work centers on helping higher ed administrators through the most sophisticated and intuitive technology platforms—and we never forget that the driving force of all work in higher ed comes back to serving students—and ensuring they succeed." 

About Campus Philly:

Campus Philly is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization fueling economic growth by encouraging college students to study, explore, live and work in the Greater Philadelphia tri-state region.

About TargetX:

Since 1998, TargetX has served as an innovative force in the field of higher education, helping colleges and universities customize and implement effective and comprehensive technology solutions. A leading CRM company, TargetX provides solutions to help college and university professionals build relationships and forge lifelong communications with their most important constituencies. The company's CRM is built on the powerful development platform of Salesforce.com — the worldwide leader in customer relationship management and a pioneer in cloud computing. With its 16-year reputation for innovative and industry expertise, TargetX has become one of the most trusted CRM providers in higher education.

