Proctor Chiropractic Seeks to Raise Awareness About Chronic Pain

TACOMA, Wash., July 12, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. George Keogh of Proctor Chiropractic in Tacoma, Washington, wants to spread the word about chronic pain and options available to those who suffer from this condition. "The American Academy of Pain medicine reports that chronic pain is a condition that affects 100 million Americans. That's more than diabetes, coronary heart disease, cancer and stroke combined – and still it remains one condition people are reluctant to discuss," says Dr. Keogh. That is why he's so interested in shining a light on something that impacts so many people here in Tacoma and throughout the U.S., and their families.

"Proctor Chiropractic is dedicated to helping patients experience whole body health," says Dr. Keogh. "Pain management is not enough to help people live fuller, healthier lives. It takes relief from chronic pain in order to accomplish that."

Chronic low back pain is an area of particular focus for the Tacoma, Washington, chiropractic practice. In fact, they are preparing to offer a workshop that focuses on chronic low back pain. The details have yet to be finalized, but Dr. Keogh feels that the issue is important and widespread enough that an open discussion is warranted.

"Back pain is the most common cause of disability for Americans under the age of 45 and adults who suffer from low back pain, specifically, are often in worse states of health, mentally and physically, than those who do not," warns Dr. Keogh.

The Tacoma chiropractor offers a wide range of treatment options to assist people who are suffering from chronic low back pain as well as those who have occasional bouts with pain. The key, according to Dr. Keogh, is to treat the cause of the pain as early in the process as possible in order to limit the total exposure to pain.

Many people, even those who suffer from long-term or chronic pain, find some relief from pain after one visit to the chiropractor. Depending on the condition it can take several treatments in order to completely eliminate the pain though some chronic pain conditions require ongoing chiropractic treatment.

"The good news in all this," Dr. Keogh reports, "is that many people who feared they were destined to go under the knife to find relief from their pain, are able to function pain free without going through the risks and recovery surgeries necessitate."

Stay tuned for more details about the upcoming chronic low back pain workshop.

About Proctor Chiropractic

Proctor Chiropractic is a health, wellness, and rehabilitation clinic located on 6th Avenue in Tacoma, Washington. The clinic offers various chiropractic services including treatments for car accident injuries, sports injuries, and even allergy relief. Treatment options include cold laser therapy, chiropractic massage therapy, spinal decompression, pain management therapies, and more.

