Dr. Lee's Spine Center Addresses Importance of Stretching for Lower Back Health

QUEENS, N.Y., Aug. 23, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Lee's Spine Center in Queens, New York, wants to spread the word about the importance of stretching for not only improving lower back health but also for reducing lower back pain. "Because so many people today either work in jobs that are relatively sedentary or have jobs that require them to carry heavy loads, back problems are fairly common in all corners of the population," says Dr. Lee of Dr. Lee's Spine Center, who goes on to say that many of these problems can be prevented, avoided, and treated with lower back stretching.

According to Dr. James S. Lee of Dr. Lee's Spine Center in Queens, New York, stretching is critical for good spinal health. Patients who have ongoing back pain, especially, can benefit from routine stretching in order to improve flexibility. The benefits of stretching exercises do not end with greater flexibility. Stretching also helps to encourage muscular relaxation to help relieve low back pain in those already living with it.

When muscles are relaxed there is a lesser accumulation of toxins in the area and less muscle fatigue. Women who are pregnant can also benefit greatly from gentle stretching exercises to not only reduce lower back pain but also to prepare their bodies for the adventure of child birth ahead of them according to Dr. Lee.

"The good news about stretching for lower back pain," says Dr. Lee is that it doesn't take a great deal of time to work into the day." Dr. Lee recommends stretching early in the day – when first getting out of the bed or during the morning shower.

Many back pain patients will notice immediate benefits from adding stretching exercises into their daily routines. People who suffer from long-term or chronic back pain, though, may require a few weeks – or even months – of daily stretching exercises in order to experience lasting and notable relief from their back pain or improvements to their range of motion.

In order for patients to get the best possible results, Dr. Lee suggests that they dress comfortably in non-restrictive clothing while doing the exercises and avoid forcing the body into difficult positions. Patients should feel no pain when stretching. Additionally, Dr. Lee recommends stretching on clean flat surfaces that provide adequate space to move freely. While stretching, patients should use slow stretching movements, hold stretches for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat each stretch five to ten times.

People suffering from low back pain are encouraged to call Dr. Lee at (347) 748-9556 to schedule a consultation and discuss appropriate stretching exercises.

About Dr. Lee's Spine Center

Dr. Lee's Spine Center, located on 89-15 Parsons Boulevard in Queens, New York, offers a wide range of pain management treatments for sports injuries, back pain, car accident injuries, disc injuries, fibromyalgia, neck pain, sciatic, headaches and migraines.

