CPIA Supporting Enhanced Recycling Efforts at Canada Army Run 2015

OTTAWA, Sept. 18, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Canadian Plastics Industry Association (CPIA) is proud to announce its involvement in helping support Canada Army Run with its enhanced recycling efforts at the 2015 event, scheduled for this Sunday, September 20, 2015.

The CPIA and member company, Wittmann Canada, have joined forces with Canada Army Run to capture and recycle the plastic bottles and containers, thermal blankets, paper and organics that are generated at the race.

"The CPIA is excited to be part of the expansion of the Army Run's recycling efforts," states Krista Friesen, Vice President of Sustainability at CPIA. "We want to support efforts across Canada to develop away-from-home recycling infrastructure so that it mirrors what many residents are used to at-home."

The CPIA is able to build on experience gained earlier this summer when it partnered with the Tamarack Ottawa Race Weekend on a similar recycling initiative. With more than 25,000 participants and at least as many spectators expected at this year's Canada Army Run, the recycling enhancements have the opportunity to divert a considerable amount of waste from landfills and produce a smaller environmental footprint.

In addition to an outreach and education component at the Running Room Sports Expo, visitors and participants will see specially marked collection centres with recycling bins for paper, plastics, organics, and thermal blankets. Located throughout the race grounds, a crew of recycling volunteers from the Ottawa Titans Water Polo Club will also assist attendees to ensure everything is put in its proper place.  

"As a CPIA member company, Wittmann Canada is proud to play a role in building awareness and education of recycling programs that will decrease the amount of plastics being sent to landfill," states Rob Miller, President of Wittmann Canada. "As a member of the running community, I am personally proud to see this sector embrace the enhanced recycling efforts at the Army Run."

Find out more about the Canada Army Run (www.armyrun.ca), the Canadian Plastics Industry Association (www.plastics.ca) and Wittmann Canada (www.wittmann-group.ca).

The Canadian Plastics Industry Association is the national voice of Canada's plastics industry, representing the interests of processors, material suppliers, equipment manufacturers and brand owners across the country.

