Dr. Steve Rosenstiel Honored with Distinguished Service Award by the American College of Prosthodontists

CHICAGO, Oct. 8, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Stephen F. Rosenstiel, BDS, MSD, will be honored with the Distinguished Service Award by the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP). An ACP member for 22 years, Dr. Rosenstiel will be presented with the award during the 45th Annual Session of the ACP held in Orlando from Oct. 21-24, 2015.
"Dr. Rosenstiel has been a very strong supporter and advocate for the ACP for many years and he has made many significant contributions to the advancement of the specialty of prosthodontics, dentistry and science," said ACP's Immediate Past President John R. Agar, DDS, MA, FACP.

Dr. Rosenstiel is Professor Emeritus of Restorative and Prosthetic Dentistry at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, where he maintains an intramural prosthodontic practice. He is a 1973 dental graduate of Birmingham University in England and completed his Masters in Prosthodontics at Indiana University in 1977. He taught fixed prosthodontics at the University of Florida and University of London before joining Ohio State in 1985.

Dr. Rosenstiel is Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, Secretary and Past-President of the American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics, President of The Carl O Boucher Conference, Past President of the Prosthodontics Group of the International Association for Dental Research, the John F. Johnston Society for Advance Prosthodontics and the Fixed Prosthodontic Section, American Dental Education Association. He is an author of the textbook Contemporary Fixed Prosthodontics, the fifth edition of which will be published in 2015. The textbook has sold over 60,000 copies, is used in many dental schools and has been translated into eleven languages. He has authored over 180 scientific articles and abstracts, principally on the fracture properties of dental ceramics and dental esthetics.

"I am honored and humbled to receive this prestigious award, particularly as it comes from the official sponsoring organization of our specialty. I would like to thank John R. Agar, DDS, MA, FACP, head of the nominating committee, the Awards Committee, and ACP President Frank J. Tuminelli, DDS, FACP, for this honor," said Dr. Rosenstiel.

Prosthodontists are specialized dentists with advanced training in oral health issues, who are committed to improving patient outcomes. From implants, crowns, veneers and tooth whitening, to full-mouth reconstruction, Prosthodontists specialize in digital dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and sleep apnea solutions.

The ACP is the only prosthodontic specialty organization whose membership is based solely on education credentials. ACP members must be in or have completed an ADA-accredited advanced education program in Prosthodontics.

About the ACP

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) is the official sponsoring organization for the specialty of Prosthodontics, which is one of nine recognized specialties of the American Dental Association. Founded in 1970, ACP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing patient care, advancing the art and science of Prosthodontics, promoting the specialty of Prosthodontics to the public and other dentists and healthcare professionals, ensuring the quality of Prosthodontic education and providing professional services to its membership. Visit GoToAPro.org to learn more.

About the ACP Annual Session

The Oct. 21-24, 2015, ACP Annual Session in Orlando is the premier professional development and networking event in prosthodontic dentistry, featuring four days of dynamic sessions with elite speakers from around the world discussion the latest strategies, treatment approaches, practical applications, digital workflows, alternative therapies and more.

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Dr. Steve Rosenstiel
