LifeSaver Announces 4Parents Partnership Ahead of National Teen Driver Safety Week

Company Gives Parents an Easy and Inexpensive Way to Keep Teens Safe Behind the Wheel

SAN JOSE, Calif., Oct. 13, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- LifeSaver – the Silicon Valley company that’s leading the charge to combat distracted driving – today announced its partnership with CloudLink, maker of the 4Parents app bundle, in support of the upcoming National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 18-24, 2015). Throughout the week, various driver-safety organizations will come together to promote the common goal of keeping teens safe behind the wheel.

Texting while driving is now the leading cause of death among teenagers – surpassing drinking and driving, according to a 2013 study by Cohen Children’s Medical Center. The study cites that more than 3,000 teens die each year in crashes caused by texting while driving, yet despite this risk, more than 50 percent of teens still admit to texting while driving. This teen-driver behavior will only get worse without effective tools to curb phone-related distraction behind the wheel.

“Most parents fear the day their kids get behind the wheel. That concern is amplified greatly by the reality that most new drivers inevitably find themselves juggling the task of driving with cell phone interaction – a combination that can spell disaster for drivers of any ability level, especially new drivers,” said Ted Chen, LifeSaver’s co-founder. “LifeSaver gives parents an effective way to make sure their kids are safer by limiting cell phone use behind the wheel and by encouraging a family dialogue about the importance of distraction-free driving.”

The LifeSaver solution provides an effective approach to solving the distracted driving problem through deterrence, measurement and rewards. The smartphone app deters the driver from using his or her Android or iPhone while driving. The app also measures distracted driving behavior, which is displayed through LifeSaver's Driver Portal to the driver or their loved one, so that the driver can measure safe driving activity and be rewarded appropriately for it. Most importantly, it’s a platform that connects kids with their parents to build a dialogue around the importance of distraction-free driving.

LifeSaver recently joined forces with CloudLink, becoming a premier component of its 4Parents app bundle. 4Parents aggregates best-in-class iOS and Android apps that promote child safety – chief among them is LifeSaver – creating the most comprehensive collection of parenting apps currently available. The 4Parents apps can be downloaded from for both Android and iOS devices, from free to $19.99. 

“CloudLink and LifeSaver share a deep commitment to driver safety, and we believe we can improve everyone’s safety by equipping parents with apps like LifeSaver,” said CloudLink founder Brandon Frye. “Each year drivers under 18 years old account for over 900,000 crashes, that equates to about 2,500 a day. I was surprised just how often I was viewing my phone while in the car. I challenge others to try this app and see how often they may be viewing their screen while in transit.”

LifeSaver is proud to support National Teen Driver Safety Week, and is committed to promoting driver safety year-round. Learn how to keep your kids safe behind the wheel at

About LifeSaver
LifeSaver is dedicated to solving the problem of phone-related distracted driving. The company’s solution combines deterrence, measurement and rewards through its LifeSaver smartphone app and LifeSaver's Driver Portal that measures their safe driving activity and rewards safe driving. The LifeSaver platform builds a dialogue between kids and their parents to reinforce the importance of distraction-free driving. LifeSaver is privately held and based in the San Francisco Bay Area. For more information, visit

About CloudLink
Based in Austin, Texas, CloudLink LLC, is a privately held company established in 2012. CloudLink provides unique app bundles to address everyday personal and business needs in the new digital world, empowering your mobile devices to do more. Its initial productivity bundle, ProPack, increases the content and capability of Android devices. With over 1.5 million installs and multiple manufacturing partners, CloudLink has become an innovator in the app space. To learn more, visit

