"Canstruction 2015" to Collect Food for the Hungry & Wow Crowds With Giant Food Sculptures November 22nd - 30th

Transportation-Themed Sculptures at National Building Museum Support the Capital Area Food Bank

WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwired - Nov 12, 2015) - Canstruction 2015, the annual food-raising event with teams creatively constructing giant sculptures from thousands of canned goods to benefit the hungry, will be on display at the National Building Museum from Sunday, November 22nd through November 30th. The event, which coincides with Thanksgiving, a time of feasting for most yet famine for others, is presented in the DC region by the Washington Architectural Foundation. 

Canstruction is a nationwide event that addresses hunger, with teams of architects and engineers imaginatively stacking thousands of canned food items into transportation-themed sculptures. Once de-canstructed, the nutritious shelf-stable food will be distributed by the Capital Area Food Bank to families, children, and seniors in need. 

"Thanksgiving is a time when the fortunate can celebrate plenty, and Canstruction is both an especially fun way to help those in need and alternative to the excesses of Black Friday," said Mary Fitch, Executive Director of the Washington Chapter of American Institute of Architects. "Rather than shopping, people can marvel and enjoy these fabulous sculptures in this magnificent building, bringing cans to boost the tally of food collected for the hungry."

How it works: Architecture and design firms from across the region use their skills to build sculptures made entirely of canned foods. The transportation-themed sculptures will include a full-scale smart car, the CAN-nook Chopper to the Rescue, a lunar module, the Mayflower ship, the Scooby-Doo mean, green Mystery Machine, and many more. 

What you can do:

  • See the sculptures canstructed Sunday, November 22nd 10:00 am - 4:00 pm and exhibited through November 30th.
  • Vote for your favorites, depositing cans as 'votes' in the "ballot box" at each sculpture. The winner will receive a People's Choice Award during de-canstruction November 30th

What: Canstruction 2015
Where: National Building Museum, 401 F Street NW, Washington, DC
Canstruction Build-out: Sunday, November 22nd 10:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Sculptures on View: Daily through noon Monday, November 30th, before de-canstruction 
Awards Presentation: Monday, November 30th 12:00 noon.

For more information, visit:

Donate online: vote for your favorite food sculpture: $1=1 vote. 

Sponsored by: National Building Museum, TW Perry, Safeway, Grunley Construction Company, Inc., NRI, Bank of America Small Business, Erin Kelleher Photography.

Canstruction is an international trademarked competition held under the auspices of the Society for Design Administration. www.canstruction.org

About the Washington Architectural Foundation:
Founded by the Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA|DC) in 1988, the Foundation's mission is: "Making a difference in the community by design." www.wafonline.org

About AIA|DC:
Founded in 1887, the Washington Chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA|DC) advances the value of architecture for our members, our profession, and our community. www.aiadc.com

Contact Information:

Media Contacts:
Joel Greenberg

202-363-1065 | 202-669-3639

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