Advanced Chiropractic Group Helps Build Natural Immunity Against Cold and Flu

SANTA BARBARA, Calif., Nov. 29, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Advanced Chiropractic Group helps its patients build natural immunity against cold and flu. The cold and flu are both caused by viruses and the symptoms are usually treated at home with palliative care. Those infected with the rhinovirus, which typically causes a cold, display symptoms including headache, stuffy nose, fatigue, sneezing and/or runny nose and eyes.  The flu is caused by the influenza virus. While there are yearly vaccinations commonly called "flu shots" that aim to prevent infection, these are not always effective due to the fact that influenza virus constantly mutates. The flu causes symptoms that include fever, chills, cough, extreme fatigue and/or muscle aches. Because these infections are viral in nature, antibiotics are not effective in treating or eliminating these illnesses. Instead, the body's own immune system has to fight it off alone.

According to Dr. Michael Hergenroether of Advanced Chiropractic Group, patients should begin building their natural defenses before winter begins. "The peak flu season is typically between the months of December and March.  In order to be ready when the flu is most prevalent, people need to get ready early. These viral infections spread from person to person so quickly."

The doctors at Advanced Chiropractic Group recommend regular chiropractic adjustments in addition to adjustments in the diet to build up your defenses. Chiropractic adjustments work to keep the spine in proper alignment. When the spine is perfectly aligned, the body's systems, including the immune system, can work at their peak efficiency. In addition, by cutting consumption of grains and sugars, the gut flora also stay in balance and are able to help fight off respiratory illnesses. The doctors also recommend increasing the amount of Vitamin D a client gets through sun exposure to make the most of the vitamin in the body. Lastly, they recommend incorporating powerful flu-fighting foods into the diet. Increased consumption of garlic, zinc and vitamin C have been shown to reduce the severity and duration of viral illnesses. These substances are readily available in common foods like sweet potatoes, leafy greens, beef and salmon.

According to Dr. Hergenroether, "the body is an amazingly complex machine. When all of its systems are working in harmony, it is more than capable of fighting off minor viral illnesses on its own. It is our job to support it with proper nutrition, adequate sleep, stress management, exercise and wellness care such as chiropractic. If we do that, the cold and flu viruses do not stand a chance."

Advanced Chiropractic Group is located at 5350 Hollister Avenue, Santa Barbara, California, 93111. To make an appointment or discuss ways to prevent colds and flu, contact the clinic at 805-681-7322. Regular office hours are from 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Monday through Friday, and from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturdays.


