Dr. William Wilson, Jr. Installed as Regional Membership Director, Federal Services Region 6 for the American College of Prosthodontists

CHICAGO, Dec. 1, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- William Wilson, Jr. DDS, MS, FACP, has been installed as regional membership director of Federal Services region 6 by the American College of Prosthodontists (ACP). Dr. Stover was sworn in during the 45th Annual Session of the ACP held in Orlando from Oct. 21-24, 2015.

Dr. Wilson is a Commander in the United States Navy Dental Corps and is currently serving as the Department Chairman and the Program Director for the Maxillofacial Prosthetics Fellowship at the Naval Postgraduate Dental School in Bethesda, Md. and consultant to the Navy Surgeon General as the Navy Specialty Leader for Maxillofacial Prosthetics and Dental Implants.

He received his DDS degree from the West Virginia University School of Dentistry in Morgantown, W.Va. He received his MS in oral biology from the George Washington University, Washington and completed his prosthodontic residency training as well as a fellowship in maxillofacial prosthetics at the Naval Postgraduate Dental School. Dr. Wilson is a Diplomate of the American Board of Prosthodontics, and a fellow in both the American College of Prosthodontics and the American Academy of Maxillofacial Prosthetics.

"It is an honor to serve as the Region 6 representative to the ACP," said Dr. Wilson.

Prosthodontists are specialized dentists with advanced training in oral health issues, who are committed to improving patient outcomes. From implants, crowns, veneers and tooth whitening, to full-mouth reconstruction, Prosthodontists specialize in digital dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and sleep apnea solutions.

The ACP is the only prosthodontic specialty organization whose membership is based solely on education credentials. ACP members must be in or have completed an ADA-accredited advanced education program in Prosthodontics.

About the ACP

The American College of Prosthodontists (ACP) is the official sponsoring organization for the specialty of Prosthodontics, which is one of only nine recognized specialties of the American Dental Association. Founded in 1970, ACP is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to enhancing patient care, advancing the art and science of Prosthodontics, promoting the specialty of Prosthodontics to the public and other dentists and healthcare professionals, ensuring the quality of prosthodontic education and providing professional services to its membership. For more information visit GoToAPro.org.

