Best-Selling Author and Celebrity Health Activist Endorses BerryBreeze as a Must-Have for Every Home

Leading Health and Wellness Expert David Wolfe Names BerryBreeze a Top Pick Gift for All Holiday Shoppers

Los Angeles, Dec. 8, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- David "Avocado" Wolfe, world renowned health activist, best-selling author and celebrity social influencer, recently named BerryBreeze, the top gift for consumers to check off their holiday shopping lists.

"BerryBreeze is simply a must-have for every home.  It's helpful for our environment and for our individual health.  Furthermore it's a great way to save more, and waste less, starting from the convenience of your fridge," says Wolfe. 

Between Thanksgiving and New Year's Day, America's household waste skyrockets 25 percent higher.  This season, holiday shoppers can help their loved ones to maximize their nutrition, and save time and money with BerryBreeze, a compact device that sits on the top shelf of the fridge and keeps food fresh 2-3 times longer.

"If you don't clean your fridge completely and sterilize it each year, you're going to have a pretty bad mold buildup.  BerrryBreeze is the cutting edge, leading technology…finally!" Wolfe said in a recent podcast interview. "In order to stop [the mold] and really preserve your food and make sure it stays fresh, you need an oxygen-rich environment, in fact, an ozone-rich environment."

BerryBreeze uses the principles of science and nature by converting air into activated oxygen, also called ozone, which circulates within the refrigerator to keep produce fresh in its natural state for up to ten days longer.  The scientifically proven and patented technology of BerryBreeze safely neutralizes harmful bacteria, mold, and microbes, significantly eliminating the pollutants that contribute to food spoilage and food-borne illness.  In the process, BerryBreeze fully deodorizes the space, eradicates odors, and prevents the transfer of unpleasant smells from one food to another.  The result is a clean and pure climate inside your refrigerator that allows food to remain fresh, and raw fruits and vegetables to stay vibrant for an extended period.  BerryBreeze helps people cut down on food waste, which means less back-and-forth trips to the market, fewer grocery bags, product packaging and receipts.  Another perk: BerryBreeze requires no filters, or absorption packs, making the unit easy to use and maintenance-free.

When it comes to eating well, it makes people feel good to know they are consuming healthy and nutritious food, but it never feels good to toss handfuls of spoiled groceries, and ultimately money, in the trash. "That's why I recommend taking that BerryBreeze and putting it on the top shelf of your refrigerator…it's really a game changer," Wolfe said. With the holidays right around the corner, check off your shopping list with BerryBreeze, the gift that keeps on giving and helps our planet too.  

To purchase BerryBreeze and/or for more information, please visit: Keep it social and stay in touch by following BerryBreeze on Twitter: @BerryBreeze and Facebook:

For more information on David Wolfe, please visit:

