Hack Reactor Core Launches Fulcrum, Provides Pathway into Coding and Prepares Students for Immersive Coding School

Fulcrum is now available online at Hack Reactor Core Schools

SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 14, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Hack Reactor Core, the leading network of schools that produces workplace-ready software engineers, announced today that they will be launching Fulcrum, an online program that fast tracks preparation for coding school. Hack Reactor Core schools Hack Reactor, Hack Reactor Remote Beta, MakerSquare and Telegraph Academy will all offer the program. Fulcrum consists of everything that constitutes the pre-course work Hack Reactor students complete prior to starting the 12-week immersive program. The nine-week, online course incorporates 80 hours of coursework and covers a range of software engineering and advanced JavaScript topics.

Fulcrum makes Hack Reactor Core schools more accessible; anyone, anywhere can take the course and be ready to enroll in a Hack Reactor Core program. Due to high demand, Fulcrum's pilot waitlist was over 300 people.

Fulcrum graduates that master the material will be well-prepared for the standard interview at any Hack Reactor Core school, and are able to prime themselves for being accepted into one of the schools and accelerate their enrollment process. MakerSquare is currently offering a $5,000 Hustle Scholarship toward tuition for the first three students who complete Fulcrum and are accepted into the 12-week course.

"Fulcrum is the fast track into any one of our schools," said Fulcrum Program Director Shu Liu. "When a student completes Fulcrum, they are significantly closer to completing their curriculum path. Regardless of where a student comes from in terms of their level of coding, we now have a path for them to continue their learning."

Fulcrum offers timelines, accountability milestones and a peer community to make sure students are on track and can ask questions about specific modules. This provides a balance between offering support and teaching problem solving skills that help students become independent engineers.

"Fulcrum gave me exactly what I was after – the chance to progress through a challenging JavaScript course with like-minded people all around the world," said Fulcrum Student Roger Sejas. "The regular check-ins were also a highlight and a great precursor to the admissions process."

After completing Fulcrum, the course price will be credited toward students' tuition upon acceptance into any of the 12-week Hack Reactor Core schools. For more information or to sign up for Fulcrum, click here

About Hack Reactor Core

Hack Reactor Core empowers educators, entrepreneurs and employers with the expertise, talent and tools to build world class schools and agile engineering teams. Hack Reactor Core schools across the country place thousands of software engineers in industry every year; each equipped with the specialized skills and adaptability demanded of today's technology teams. For more information, visit: www.hackreactorcore.com.



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