Two California Marijuana Initiatives to Compete for Votes

Gavin Newsome's Pro-Legalization Effort to Face Stiff Opposition

Sacramento, Jan. 13, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In November 2016, California voters will have a real choice regarding the fate of marijuana legalization in the state. The voters will find two ballot initiatives regarding marijuana, THE SAFE AND DRUG-FREE COMMUNITY ACT will scale back abuses under the current medical marijuana scheme. This drug prevention initiative will offer a stark contrast to The Gavin Newsom/Sean Parker Adult Use Act which seeks to legalize recreational marijuana use for anyone over the age of 21, and would open the door to commercialization of the addictive drug.

As was the case when Prop 215 ushered in medical marijuana in 1996, the Gavin Newsom bill is backed by out-of-state billionaires like Sean Parker, who are committing tens of millions to persuade the California voters to vote for the initiative and make marijuana use legal in California. The bill seeks to make possession of one ounce (60-120 joints) of marijuana legal for anyone who is 21 and over. It further allows anyone, even convicts and felons, to grow and sell marijuana.

On the other hand, THE SAFE AND DRUG-FREE COMMUNITY ACT, labeled by the AG’s office as the Medical Marijuana Initiative Statute 15-0069, is a drug prevention initiative which consists of the following provisions:

  • Legalization of marijuana for recreational use will remain illegal, in compliance with federal law.
  • “Medical Marijuana” will still be available to the chronically ill, but under safer conditions.
  • Privately owned cultivation will be banned in favor of one State owned site, for environmental protection.
  • Privately owned dispensaries will be banned in favor of State owned sites, to stop the drug dealing.
  • The minimum age for “medical marijuana” will rise from 18 to 21 to further protect the brains of our youth.
  • New standards will be defined for impaired driving, to help reduce traffic fatalities.
  • A uniform, statewide educational program on marijuana would be required for parents, teachers and kids.

Marijuana-legalization is opposed by several groups and organizations due to the negative impact it has not only on its consumers but also on the environment. According to a 2011 independent report by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Researcher Evan Mills, Ph.D., indoor marijuana growing may account for one percent of the entire country’s electricity consumption. This energy use has an annual cost of approximately $6 billion. The report also claims that the carbon dioxide pollution from this electricity use “plus associated transportation fuels equals that of 3 million cars.”

Petitions are now ready and the initiative sponsors are seeking assistance to obtain 405,000 signatures. The International Faith Based Coalition (IFBC) is taking the lead in requesting assistance from 9,428 Faith based organizations. Since 83% of communities in California already have bans or moratoriums, wide spread support is expected. Citizens interested in helping can call (916) 270 2675 or email

The ballot initiative is being spearheaded by a coalition of drug prevention groups, including Take Back America Campaign, Citizens Against Legalizing Marijuana, and The International Faith Based Coalition.

To learn more about the marijuana legalization issue, visit or follow the campaign on

