NADDI Releases End-of-Year Statistics for NPLEx System

Real-time, stop-sale technology continues to be a vital resource for pharmacists and law enforcement in the fight against illegal purchases of pseudoephedrine

LUTHERVILLE, MD., Jan. 15, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators (NADDI) – a nonprofit organization that facilitates cooperation between law enforcement, healthcare professionals, state regulatory agencies and pharmaceutical manufacturers in the prevention and investigation of drug diversion – praised National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) results for the 2015 calendar year.

The NPLEx system, adopted by 32 states across the country, aids law enforcement professionals by blocking unlawful purchase of medications containing pseudoephedrine (PSE) at the pharmacy counter. Additionally, NPLEx provides law enforcement officers and narcotics agents valuable information such as "watch lists" that notify them via email when a meth suspect attempts to purchase PSE. This information can then be subpoenaed by prosecutors as they build cases and put drug criminals behind bars.

Over 44,000 retailers nationwide report PSE sales to NPLEx, and in 2015, the system successfully blocked the illegal sale of 2,239,961 boxes of medications containing PSE, preventing 5,848,806 grams of PSE from getting in the hands of potential criminals. Some states have also supplemented NPLEx by using the technology to ban the sale of any PSE products to those previously convicted of a meth crime. In Alabama and Oklahoma, similar legislation was passed in 2012 and 2013, respectively, and these states experienced significant declines in meth lab seizures – 77 percent in Alabama and 88 percent decline in Oklahoma.

The breakdown by state in the report shows the total number of boxes reported as purchased, the total number of grams reported as purchased, the total number of boxes and grams that were blocked based on state and federal laws, and the total number of unique individuals reported as purchasing over-the-counter PSE. These numbers indicate the laws that are being enforced by NPLEx at the point-of-sale, in real-time, and across state lines. (

"In 2015, NPLEx continued to be an important resource by preventing PSE from getting into the hands of criminals across the U.S.," said NADDI Executive Director Charles Cichon. The technology is invaluable for law enforcement officers and pharmacists in the fight against methamphetamine. From blocking illegal sales to preventing drug offenders from purchasing PSE to prosecuting drug criminals, the system is a proven resource that 32 states use to help reduce the illegal purchase and diversion of PSE."

About NADDI and Public Safety

Established in 1989, the National Association of Drug Diversion Investigators, Inc. (NADDI) is a unique membership organization whose members are responsible for investigating and prosecuting pharmaceutical drug diversion. The organization has proven to be a valuable asset to law enforcement, the pharmaceutical industry and health regulatory personnel. NADDI's objective is simple: to improve the members' ability to investigate, and prosecute, pharmaceutical drug diversion. You can learn about NADDI here:

