USHCC Endorses Governor Susana Martinez as VP Candidate

WASHINGTON, Jan. 29, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following is attributable to USHCC President & CEO Javier Palomarez:

The USHCC is proud to endorse Governor Susana Martinez as a candidate for Vice President of the United States. Our endorsement of both Governor Martinez and Secretary Julian Castro is not an endorsement of a particular presidential candidate or party, but rather a firm recommendation to the future Presidential nominee of each party. On the heels of yesterday's Republican debate, we urge all participating candidates to seriously consider Governor Martinez as their running mate.

As New Mexico's first female governor and the first Hispanic female elected governor in the United States, Governor Martinez turned the largest structural deficit in New Mexico's history into a surplus, without raising taxes and while protecting key priorities like education and health care. She's tirelessly advocated for job creation in New Mexico by supporting critical industries in her state. A principled and pragmatic leader, Governor Martinez easily won re-election in 2014, with 48 percent of the Hispanic vote in a state that leans Democrat.

Governor Martinez has been a standard bearer within the Republican Party in championing diversity and inclusion. As Co-Chairwoman of the Republican State Leadership Committee's "Future Majority Project," she's helped lead efforts to recruit, train and support candidates who better reflect the full diversity of our nation.
The USHCC and our local chambers have had a long history of working with Governor Martinez both in New Mexico and throughout the region. Since elected, Governor Martinez has demonstrated a proven ability to work with America's small business community to spur economic growth and development. As the daughter of a small business owner, Governor Martinez possesses a keen understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by our nation's entrepreneurs.

Governor Martinez is an admirable public servant. And like Secretary Castro, has an incontestable track record for supporting American business, diverse communities, and reaching across the aisle to advance the common good. It's time that Hispanic leaders of the Governor's caliber be recognized and chosen to assume one of our nation's highest political offices. We are confident that she is ready to take on the Vice Presidency of the United States.


