Statement re Change of Director's Details EnQuest PLC (the "Company") 24 February 2016 EnQuest PLC Change of Director's Details EnQuest PLC announces that Jock Lennox, one of its Non-Executive Directors, has been appointed as a director of Barratt Developments PLC, a company listed on the London Stock Exchange, with effect from 1 July 2016. Additionally, Jock Lennox, who also serves on the board of Oxford Instruments plc ('Oxford Instruments') has notified the board of Oxford Instruments that he will not be standing for re-election at their next Annual General Meeting, due to take place on 13 September 2016, and will therefore be stepping down from their Board at this date. Mr Jock Lennox will remain a Non-Executive Director of EnQuest PLC Contact for enquiries: EnQuest PLC Stefan Ricketts General Counsel and Company Secretary 020 7925 4900
Directorate Change
| Source: EnQuest PLC