Incap Corporation: Quantity of Incap Corporation's shares after reducing the quantity of shares

INCAP CORPORATION    STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE                                              9 APRIL 2016 AT 11 am (EET)


The Annual General Meeting of Incap Corporation (the "Company") resolved on 6 April 2016 to reduce the quantity of Incap Corporation's shares by way of issuing new company shares and by the redemption of company's own shares (the "Arrangement").

As a part of the Arrangement, the Annual General Meeting resolved that the Company shall issue on 8 April 2016, the transaction day (the "Transaction Day"), in maximum 150,000 new Company shares free of charge so that the number of all shares per book-entry accounts owned by the shareholders of the Company are divisible by the number 50. 30,330 shares were needed in order to make the number of Company's shares owned by the shareholders divisible by the number 50. The complete amount of the shares issued free of charge in the share issue was 30,330 shares. After the share issue, the number of the Company shares was 218,258,400 on the Transaction Day. Further, pursuant to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the Company has on the Transaction Day in connection with the share issue referred to above, redeemed from all shareholders free of charge such number of Company's shares which was determined according to the redemption ratio of 50/1 i.e. altogether 213,893,232 Company shares.

Pursuant to the resolution of the Annual General Meeting, the Board of Directors has cancelled 213,893,232 Company shares which become Company's possession on the Transaction Day. After the cancellation resolution of the Board of Directors, the number of Company's shares is 4,365,168.

The cancellation of 213,893,232 Company shares and the new total number of the Company's shares shall be registered with the Trade Register by 11 April, 2016. Trading with the amended number of the Company's shares shall commence on Nasdaq Helsinki on or around 11 April 2016.

In Helsinki, 9 April 2016


Board of Directors

Further information:
Ville Vuori, President and CEO, tel. +358 400 369 438

Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd
Principal media


Incap Corporation is an international contract manufacturer. Incap's customers are leading suppliers of high-technology equipment in their own business segments, and Incap increases their competitiveness as a strategic partner. Incap has operations in Finland, Estonia, India and China, and the company currently employs approximately 470 people. Incap's share is listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd as from 1997. Additional information: