Diamyd Medical appoints new CEO

Diamyd Medical (Nasdaq Stockholm First North, Ticker: DMYD B) today announced
that the Company’s Board of Directors has appointed Ulf Hannelius, PhD, MBA, to
new CEO.
Ulf Hannelius (40), PhD in molecular biology from Karolinska Institute and with
an MBA from Stockholm School of Economics has been appointed to, and today
assumes, the position as CEO of Diamyd Medical.

”Ulf Hannelius has since November 2015 been working side by side with Diamyd
Medical’s interim CEO Anders Essen-Möller”, says Erik Nerpin, Chairman of the
Board of the Company. “It is satisfying that we have succeeded to recruit a
leader, with the stature and potential Ulf Hannelius represents, to Diamyd

”We will now jointly take Diamyd Medical to the next phase as a diabetes
company”, says Ulf Hannelius. “I have the last few months had the privilege to
get familiar with the company that doubtlessly carries many opportunities. I
hope to be able to execute several of these. A new journey has started for me
and for all of us at Diamyd Medical – with the aim of building a significant
diabetes company to the benefit of our shareholders and those with diabetes.”

”Ulf has since many years focused on leadership, business development and
international Life Science, and with his molecular biological expertise he is a
natural choice of leader to develop our business”, says the founder of the
Company, Anders Essen-Möller (74), who after one year as interim CEO continues
as working Board Member of Diamyd Medical. “The chemistry between Ulf and myself
is excellent and I am looking forward to giving the time that is needed to, in
all ways, support Ulf in matters he and the Board ordain.”

About Diamyd Medical
Diamyd Medical is dedicated to finding a cure for autoimmune diabetes through
pharmaceutical development and investments in stem cell and medical technology.

Diamyd Medical develops the diabetes vaccine Diamyd®, an Antigen Based Therapy
(ABT) based on the exclusively licensed GAD-molecule. The Company’s licensed
technologies for GABA and Gliadin have also potential to become key pieces of
the puzzle of a future solution to prevent, treat or cure autoimmune diabetes,
and also certain inflammatory diseases. At this time six clinical studies are
ongoing with Diamyd®. Diamyd Medical is with its holdings of 45% one of the
major shareholders in the stem cell company Cellaviva AB. Stem cells can be
expected to be used in Personalized Regenerative Medicine (PRM), for example for
restoration of beta cell mass in diabetes patients where the autoimmune
component of the disease has been arrested. Diamyd Medical also has holdings in
the medtech company Companion Medical, Inc., San Diego, USA and in the gene
therapy company Periphagen, Inc., Pittsburgh, USA.

Diamyd Medical’s B-share is traded on Nasdaq Stockholm First North under the
ticker DMYD B. Remium Nordic AB is the Company’s Certified Adviser.
For further information, please contact:
Ulf Hannelius, CEO
Phone: +46 736 35 42 41. E-mail: ulf.hannelius@diamyd.com

Anders Essen-Möller, Board Member
Phone: +46 70 55 10 679. E-mail: anders.essen-moller@diamyd.com
Diamyd Medical AB (publ)
Kungsgatan 29, SE-111 56 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone: +46 8 661 00 26, Fax: +46 8
661 63 68
E-mail: info@diamyd.com. Reg. no.: 556242-3797. Website: www.diamyd.com.

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