The Israel Project Thanks Iowa for Anti-BDS Legislation

The Israel Project congratulates the Iowa state government for passing legislation ensuring that no state agency supports a politically motivated boycott of Israel. Governor Terry Branstad (R) today held a ceremony to sign important legislation securing the relationship between Iowa and Israel.

WASHINGTON, May 10, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Israel Project congratulates the Iowa state government for passing legislation ensuring that no state agency supports a politically motivated boycott of Israel. Governor Terry Branstad (R) today held a ceremony to sign the legislation, which secures the relationship between Iowa and Israel.

The Israel Project commends the state legislature and the governor for emphatically reaffirming Iowa’s commitment to the shared democratic values and shared interests that form the basis of this important relationship. 

“This is an important day for the people of Iowa,” said Josh Block, The Israel Project CEO. “The U.S. relationship with Israel is unbreakable because it is based on the unshakable values we share - values such as freedom of speech, freedom of religion, a free press and defense of human rights. Standing up against discrimination is an important part of that. This bill ensures that Iowa remains at the forefront of supporting our critical relationship with Israel, the only true democracy in the Middle East.”

The legislation, which rejects hatred and discrimination while protecting Iowa taxpayers from financially supporting deceptive anti-Israel efforts, was sponsored by Senator Jeff Danielson (D) and Rep. Quentin Stanerson (R), and recently passed overwhelmingly in a 38-9 vote in the Senate.

The Israel Project applauds Iowans and their elected representatives for taking a stand against efforts to single out Israel. 

About The Israel Project

The Israel Project (TIP) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization that provides factual information about Israel and the Middle East to the press, policymakers and the public. Founded in 2003, TIP works in multiple languages to provide real-time background information, images, maps, audio, video, graphics and direct access to newsmakers. To learn more about TIP, visit

