NOVA Chemicals Releases its 2015 Sustainability Report - Commits to Ongoing Leadership in Responsible Care®


NOVA Chemicals Corporation, 1000 Seventh Avenue S.W., Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 5L5 | 403.750.3600 tel | 403.269.7410 fax

Calgary, Alberta (July 12, 2016) - NOVA Chemicals Corporation released its 2015 Sustainability Report today as part of its ongoing commitment to shaping a world where products vital to our health and happiness are even better tomorrow than they are today. The report, both a snapshot of current performance and a commitment toward continual improvement, is available to the public at

"Our mission is to enable the development of plastic products that make everyday life easier, healthier and safer. To enable that, we know that our responsibility is to first take care of the people, places, materials and processes that make these products possible," said Todd Karran, President and Chief Executive Officer, NOVA Chemicals Corporation. "Our 2015 Sustainability Report details our approach with respect to our operations, communities, products and the environment."

While the document is the company's second public Sustainability Report, NOVA Chemicals has a long history of engaging communities and operating in a safe and environmentally sound manner. NOVA Chemicals was a founding member and leader of the original Responsible Care ideals in 1985, and is strongly committed to those and the expanded sustainability ideals today.

"We see this report as a commitment to transparency and accountability, a demonstration of our current performance and an ongoing tool in a continual improvement process," Karran added.

Key items noted in the 2015 Sustainability Report include:

  • NOVA Chemicals recently converted its Corunna, Ontario, ethylene manufacturing facility to enable it to use up to 100 percent natural gas liquids as feedstock. The site is already realizing reductions in air emissions and greenhouse gas emissions from 2010 baseline levels.
  • The company opened its expanded Centre for Performance Applications in Calgary, Alberta, which will greatly enhance plastics innovation and customer collaboration.
  • As part of an environmental legacy project, NOVA Chemicals opened an 89-hectare (220-acre) community nature trail system adjacent to its Joffre, Alberta, facility.  The area demonstrates how wildlife habitat, and agricultural, industrial and recreational land uses can co-exist harmoniously. Employees planted over 8,000 native trees and shrubs on the land.
  • The scheduled start up of the company's expanded polyethylene unit at the end of 2016 in Joffre, Alberta reflects an investment of approximately $1 billion over the past few years. This and other significant investments are part of a long term growth strategy to enable the company to provide additional value to customers and to meet growing demand.
  • The company uses several employee education programs to increase safety awareness. In 2015, there were more than 60,000 safety interactions between employees, contractors and managers to continually improve safety conditions. Moving forward, there will be continued vigilance to achieve an injury-free workplace.
  • During 2015, the company invested more than $2M to support community organizations with a focus on three core areas: education and science, health and community service, and the arts.  In addition, employees volunteered more than 5,000 hours to support community programs.

"By demonstrating NOVA Chemicals' key values of being responsible, collaborative, innovative and passionate, we will drive alignment and commitment of employees and our stakeholders so we can deliver superior financial, social and environmental results," Karran said.

NOVA Chemicals Corporation's 2015 Sustainability Report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines - Core Option.

About NOVA Chemicals
NOVA Chemicals develops and manufactures chemicals and plastic resins that make everyday life safer, healthier and easier. Our employees work to ensure health, safety, security and environmental stewardship through our commitment to sustainability and Responsible Care®. NOVA Chemicals, headquartered in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, is a wholly owned subsidiary of the International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.

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Media inquiries, please contact:
Pace Markowitz
Director, Communications

NOVA Chemicals' logo is a registered trademark of NOVA Brands Ltd.; authorized use.

Responsible Care® is a registered trademark of the Chemistry Industry Association of Canada.