Forecast International Projects Naval Radar Market Worth More than $13 Billion Over 10 Years

NEWTOWN, Conn., July 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Forecast International has released its latest analysis of the sea-based radar market.  "The Market for Naval Radar Systems" provides a detailed review of 32 distinct naval radar programs – looking at trends, presenting forecast data, and reviewing some of the standout features.  Viewed as a group, these samples provide an in-depth look at the major trends in sea-based radars.

Covered in the analysis are six naval radar market segments: Air Defense, Electronic Countermeasures, Fire Control, Navigation, Search & Track, and Surveillance.  The most valuable segment will be Air Defense, at $8.3 billion in value from 2016-2025.

Forecast International projects that the value of the entire sea-based radar market will reach $13.267 billion over the next decade.  Over this period, the market sample is expected to achieve production of at least 1,000 units, with production accounting for 67.2 percent of market value.

The 10-year analysis also covers representative pre-production RDT &E and post-production O &M programs, such as the U.S. Navy's SPY-1 and SPY-6 Air and Missile Defense Radar (AMDR).  During the 2016-2025 forecast period, RDT &E and O &M are expected to make up 18.9 percent and 14.0 percent of the total market value, respectively.

Also provided is a look at some of the top players in sea-based radars. By value, Forecast International projects the top two leading companies to be, in order, Raytheon and Thales. These companies produce radar systems such as the SPY-6 AMDR (Raytheon) and SMART (Thales).
In all, an evaluation of 14 parent companies is provided, with a multiple number of their subsidiaries included as well. These 14 companies represent a diverse array of countries – 12 in total – with the end- user forecast numbering over 40 nations.

"We believe that we provide our customers with the most comprehensive system-focused market forecasts available," said C. Zachary Hofer, lead radar analyst at Forecast International.  "As much as possible, we provide detailed coverage of every major sea-based radar program across the globe."

Hofer continued, "While other research companies provide loosely defined, generic pictures of market demand, our philosophy is to focus on known measurables – products and programs – and provide hard, tangible, credible reporting.  Our expansive array of covered programs, detailed account of procuring countries, and expansive inclusion of global manufacturers is non-paralleled among system-focused forecasts."

For more information on "The Market for Naval Radar Systems" or to inquire about other Forecast International products – such as the Platinum Forecast System® 2.0 (our revolutionary 25-year real-time market data tool) or our individual program services such as the Electro-Optical Systems Forecast, the Land & Sea-Based Electronics Forecast, or the Radar Systems Forecast – please contact a member of our sales team.

About Forecast International

Forecast International, Inc. is a leading provider of Market Intelligence and Analysis in the areas of aerospace, defense, power systems and military electronics. The firm maintains a high posture of situational awareness and geopolitical analysis. Based in Newtown, Conn., USA, Forecast International specializes in long-range industry forecasts and market assessments used by strategic planners, marketing professionals, military organizations, and governments worldwide. Forecast International's resources and extensive base of experience can also be readily adapted and efficiently focused to fulfill a broad spectrum of civil and military consulting and special research requirements.

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