Agorafy Begins A New Growth Cycle In Real Estate Technology

NEW YORK, July 18, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Agorafy, New York City’s online real estate information marketplace is thrilled to announce its new cycle of growth in their development of groundbreaking real estate technology.

Agorafy continues to grow and expand its three central pillars of technology, data and media in the process of transitioning from local to national to a global real estate technology company. “Agorafy’s new team of engineers have crafted a platform that will keep Agorafy ahead of the pack in information technology. We are getting ready to re-tool our platform in a way that will further simplify and facilitate the process of searching and listing real estate information,” says Richard Du, Agorafy’s CEO and founder. 

This innovation comes ahead of the upcoming revamp of the entire platform which will include a media center for access to the latest news, interviews with experts and leading-edge information on all things real estate. “Agorafy stands poised and ready for its next stage of growth,” says Richard Du. “We are very excited to welcome our new engineers and media team who will move us into the future of Agorafy’s vision. We are more ready than ever to take the lead in how data is collected and shared in the real estate industry. Our platform continues to break new ground and we believe it will change how realtors connect with both data and clients.”

Agorafy is planning to exponentially grow its presence beyond the New York City real estate market by strategically expanding nationwide in the next six to twelve months. This growth will keep Agorafy at the vanguard of data acquisition, verification and dissemination, and will also support Agorafy’s move into full-on media production, linking realtors, data and the public to information from every angle.

“It is our belief that openly sharing information, from data to the wisdom of successful professionals, will build communities and businesses based on trust and collaboration,” comments Du.

About Us

Agorafy is an open platform for organizing and sharing real estate information in New York City. Our mission is to democratize information by being the most open and accurate resource for commercial listings, residential listings and property information, allowing users to make highly-informed decisions based on current market data. We believe that full transparency will create greater value for all real estate professionals while also utilizing the intersection of media and information technology to build communities and businesses based collaboration.

Agorafy is available on iOS and Android.

