PHOTOS: LifeSci Advisors, Girls Inc. of NYC Host Inspiring Field Trip for Low-Income Middle & High School Girls to Mount Sinai

Girls Perform Hands-on Lab Activities and Meet with the 1st and Only Female Chair of an Academic Orthopaedic Department in the Country
            High Resolution Images Available Here

NEW YORK, Aug. 03, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On Tuesday, August 2, LifeSci Advisors, a New York-based investor relations consultancy, sponsored a field trip for 20 middle and high school-aged girls to Department of Orthopaedics at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai to perform hands-on laboratory activities and experiments and meet with leading medical researchers and doctors. The field trip was part of LifeSci Advisors’ support for Girls Inc. Of New York City’s inaugural Summer Institute of its Eureka! program in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) education in New York City for low-income and minority girls.

Photos accompanying this announcement are available at:

The field trip to Mount Sinai, recently named one of the top 20 hospitals in the country, provided an opportunity for the girls to see firsthand the spectrum of careers that exist in the STEM fields and to speak with Leesa Galatz, MD, System Chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and the first and only female chair of an academic orthopaedics department in the country. Dr. Galatz participated in a Q&A session with the girls, where she discussed the benefits of careers in the sciences for women, the critical role of identifying mentors throughout your career and the importance of being open to and recognizing opportunities that exist all around us.

In April of 2016, LifeSci Advisors launched a comprehensive action plan to promote gender diversity in the life sciences industry. The company believes that promoting gender diversity requires supporting women at all levels of their careers, beginning with exposure to STEM, and providing opportunities for mentorship, training, networking and professional development. LifeSci Advisors’ work to promote gender diversity includes the formation of an Advisory Board on Gender Diversity comprised of female and male industry leaders, serving as the founding sponsor of Women In Bio's Boardroom Ready Program for female executives and taking on its own initiative to place qualified women on the boards of directors of life sciences companies.

“Girls, and low-income girls in particular, have long lacked the support, exposure and networking capability to pursue careers in STEM,” said Michael Rice, Founding Partner of LifeSci Advisors. “We believe experiences like this field trip are critical to providing that necessary exposure for young women and ultimately building the life sciences industry as a more diverse and inclusive space. We are thrilled to support the incredible work of Girls Inc. of NYC as part of our efforts to promote gender diversity in the life sciences industry and thank the Department of Orthopaedics at Mount Sinai for this incredible opportunity to expose young women to STEM careers.”

Girls Inc. Eureka! is a STEM-based approach to engaging and empowering 8th - 12th grade girls to see themselves as an important part of the workforce of the future. During the Eureka! program, girls get to participate in a variety of exciting and compelling activities that explore the cutting edge world of STEM—nanosciences, robotics, DNA research and forensic science—through hands-on experiences in a college campus environment. With complementary activities in sports and physical fitness, healthy living and financial literacy, Eureka! fully fosters educational, professional and personal development.

“This is incredibly exciting for the girls to get a front-seat view of cutting edge biomedical research by prominent physician scientists at a world class institution. Most students never have an opportunity like this, to experience what clinician scientists do up close!” said Pamela J. Maraldo, PhD, CEO of Girls Inc. of New York City.

“Hands-on exposure to the STEM fields is critical to empowering our young girls to pursue careers across the sciences,” said Leesa Galatz, MD, System Chair of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai. “It is an absolute pleasure to share my experiences, offer guidance to the next generation of medical professionals and assist the important work LifeSci Advisors and Girls Inc. of New York City are doing to support young women.”

For photos of Tuesday’s field trip to Mount Sinai, please click here. [Photo credit: Nomi Ellenson].

For press inquiries, please contact Kaitlin Stewart at The TASC Group at 212-337-8870 or

About LifeSci Advisors, LLC
LifeSci Advisors, LLC ( is a unique investor relations consultancy founded to provide companies in the life sciences a comprehensive solution to investor communications and outreach. With local presence in New York, Boston, Chicago, London, Geneva and Tel-Aviv, the firm provides the highest quality service for its clients through its deep sector specialization. Our roster of Ph.D.s enables us to better understand our clients' R&D, regulatory, and commercial strategy, and our team of financial services, investor relations, and public relations specialists help our clients effectively communicate their strategies to the marketplace. This combination of life sciences, financial services, and investor relations expertise allows us to provide a valuable and unique service offering to our clients.

About Girls Inc. of New York City
Girls Inc. of NYC inspires all girls to be strong, smart, and bold, providing nearly 5,000 girls across the five boroughs of New York City with life-changing experiences and solutions to the unique challenges girls face. The Girls Inc. Experience consists of people, an environment, and programming that, together, empower girls to succeed. Trained staff and volunteers build lasting, mentoring relationships in girls-only spaces that are physically and emotionally safe and where girls find a sisterhood of support with shared drive, mutual respect, and high expectations. Hands-on, research-based programs provide girls with the skills and knowledge to set goals, overcome obstacles, and improve academic performance. Informed by girls and their families, Girls Inc. also works with policymakers to advocate for legislation and initiatives that increase opportunities for girls. At Girls Inc., girls grow up healthy, educated, and independent. 

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