European CEO: Appetite for Natural Foods is Growing

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM--(Marketwired - Aug. 5, 2016) - Greater awareness, globalisation and an epidemic of obesity related ailments have sparked a craze for healthy and natural foods in both developing and developed markets. In the latest issue of European CEO we take a look at the consumer-led push for natural and organic foods, and the way in which it's forcing businesses to respond with transparent and ethical products and practices.

Rising numbers across Europe are cutting back on animal products out of a simple desire to be healthy, while there is a budding distaste among the public for any kind of fakery within their diets. Jenny Zegler, a global food and drink analyst at Mintel, told European CEO that people in Europe are beginning to view packaged and prepared food with skepticism and craft their own preferences that are more 'simple' and 'real'.

Rising rates of obesity is perhaps the biggest driver of all, according to the European CEO report. No longer are we thoughtlessly stuffing ourselves with processed food, additives, preservatives and refined sugar. Ewa Hudson, Head of Health and Wellness at Euromonitor International, says simply, "Consumers really want products that are natural and nutritious."

Unquestionably, the issues at play here are far greater than can be resolved within a few short years, as the shift needed when it comes to food is positively seismic. However, the new European CEO report speaks at length about the coming food revolution and what businesses must do to appease a new breed of consumers dead set on natural and/or organic ingredients.

Elsewhere in the new issue of European CEO we take a look at offshore wind and ask whether it could hold the key to Europe's energy dilemma, in addition to a look at how a China with market economy status could legitimise export dumping throughout Europe. Also in the Summer 2016 issue we profile some of the European CEOs of the moment and pour over the latest in business and management, finance and lifestyle.

The new issue of European CEO is available to read in full now, online and in print.

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Contact Information:

European CEO
Matthew Timms
Editorial Department
+44 (0)20 7553 4177