Cedar Strat Announces American Association of Petroleum Geologists meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada

LAS VEGAS, Sept. 27, 2016 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cedar Strat announces interested persons may want to attend the first American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) meeting in Las Vegas, October 3-4. About 500 geologists will converge to discuss American petroleum geology and especially Great Basin petroleum geology https://www.psaapg.org/2016convention/.  Normally, teams of geologists from hosting state geological surveys present progress on their geological surveys to entice exploration companies to invest in their state.  However, because Nevada does not have a geological survey, several major oil companies financially supported Dr. Alan Chamberlain to initiate the first Great Basin geological survey in 1984.  They recognize that Dr. Chamberlain, who had earned his BS, MS, and PhD in Great Basin geology and had worked for Exxon, Gulf (now Chevron), Marathon, and Placid Oil Companies is the leading expert of Great Basin petroleum geology.  He has been directing teams of Cedar Strat geologists in creating the survey ever since.  Applying the billion-dollar proprietary survey, he has identified 165 structures covering 20M leasable acres, each of which he believes likely contain billions of barrels of oil. 

Dr. Alan Chamberlain, director of the Great Basin geological survey

Usually AAPG invites a few selected speakers to give one and rarely two presentations at its conferences.  However, because he has created the first Great Basin geological survey Dr. Chamberlain has been selected to give nine presentations.  Seven of his poster sessions, which allow one-on-one discussions, include discussions on groundwater resources, algorefrauds (global warming cycles within the rock record), Great Basin oil shales and evidence why they could generate trillions of barrels of oil, creating a master geological map, and how the Colorado River has exposed mountain roots in southern Nevada.  In his two oral presentations he will explain how he created his treasure map and how he uses the Alamo impact breccia to find potential oil and gas prospects.

Dr. Chamberlain believes that America is about to have a perfect energy shock storm.  This is partly a result of the oil price war between the Sunnis and Shiites.  The world demand for oil is still growing 1.1 million barrels per day annually.  At the same time there has been a massive cut in capital investment to replenish diminishing oil reserves.  Federally subsidized green energy resources, which account for less than 2% of the world’s energy consumption, will not save cities like Las Vegas, which are nearly 100% reliant on fossil fuels for their commerce.

However, Dr. Chamberlain believes that the silver lining in the advancing storm cloud is that American citizens have an unprecedented opportunity to acquire 10-year federal oil and gas leases.  Historically, the value of leases in the region increased by several thousand times once a discovery is made.  He invites you to visit with him at the meeting.

