Heidelberg Project Announces Campaign to Secure Legacy Beginning With Restoration of Numbers House

Online Fundraising Campaign Launching Today Aims to Repair and Preserve the Iconic Numbers House and Kick Start Heidelberg 3.0

DETROIT, MI--(Marketwired - Oct 3, 2016) -  Heidelberg 3.0, a vision to create a self-sustainable arts community in the Heidelberg Project neighborhood is beginning to take shape. Today, Tyree Guyton and the Heidelberg Project announced a fundraising campaign to restore the iconic "Numbers House." In all, Guyton has created twenty house installations over 30-years with the Heidelberg Project and only two remain, the Dotty Wotty House and the Numbers House.

The Numbers House is the operational and functional heartbeat of the Heidelberg Project, a community center that hosts youth and neighborhood workshops, up and coming artist exhibitions and houses the Heidelberg Project's gift shop. Despite that, the Numbers House rests on shaky ground, with no plumbing, bad electrical work and a hole in the roof. 

"The entire structure needs a makeover and the time is so perfect to do something radical once again," said Tyree Guyton. "Getting people to work together collectively is what we need to take this to the next level."

In order to take the first step toward making the Heidelberg 3.0 vision a reality, Guyton and the Heidelberg team are calling on the community to invest in the future of the community by kick starting the transformation of Numbers. "For thirty years the Heidelberg Project has been an arts installation driven by one man," said Executive Director Jenenne Whitfield. "We believe that the time is right for a consortium effort driven by the entire community to build on this legacy."

The fundraising campaign will provide for essential renovations to secure the physical structure and spirit of the Numbers House. That work will include:

  • Roof replacement
  • Plumbing installation to provide running water, functional restrooms and sinks
  • Repair and replacement of water-damaged ceiling and walls to protect the art and exhibits
  • Replacement of broken windows
  • Renovation of the upstairs level to create suitable space for a studio and artist in residence program
  • Essential upgrades to the lighting and electrical systems of the house

A broad range of donation levels are outlined on the fundraiser homepage along with corresponding donor rewards including bumper stickers, vintage paks and even original Tyree Guyton prints. To learn more about Heidelberg 3.0 and find out how you can help preserve the legacy please visit http://heidelberg30.org/.

About The Heidelberg Project
Founded in 1986 by Detroit-based artist Tyree Guyton, The Heidelberg Project is a Detroit-based community organization that has used art as a catalyst to breathe life into the community, transforming detritus into public, outdoor art installations. Designed to improve the lives of people and neighborhoods through art, our mission is to inspire people to appreciate and use artistic expression to enrich their lives and to improve the social and economic health of their greater community. The theory of change for The Heidelberg Project begins with the belief that all citizens, from all cultures, have the right to grow and flourish in their communities. The Heidelberg Project believes that a community can re-develop and sustain itself, from the inside out, by embracing its diverse cultures and artistic attributes as the essential building blocks for a fulfilling and economically viable way of life. For more information please visit http://www.heidelberg.org/.

Contact Information:

Media Contacts:
Dan Lijana

Sarah Chavey